Function PGARealDuplicate

Function Documentation

int PGARealDuplicate(PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2)

Returns true if real-valued string a is a duplicate of real-valued string b, else returns false.


Note that this function is set in PGASetUp() as the duplicate checking user function for the real datatype by default.


Compare strings x with y to see if they are duplicates.

PGAContext *ctx;
int x, y;

if (PGARealDuplicate (ctx, x, PGA_OLDPOP, y, PGA_OLDPOP)) {
    printf ("strings are duplicates\n");

  • ctx – context variable

  • p1 – string index of the first string to compare

  • pop1 – symbolic constant of the population string p1 is in

  • p2 – string index of the second string to compare

  • pop2 – symbolic constant of the population string p2 is in


Returns true/false if strings are duplicates