Function PGAGetRealFromGrayCode

Function Documentation

double PGAGetRealFromGrayCode(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int start, int end, double lower, double upper)

Interpret a binary reflected Gray code sequence in a binary string as encoding a real value and return the real value it represents.


Decode a real value from the string p in population PGA_NEWPOP. The value to decode lies on the interval \([-10,20]\) and is represented using the 20 bits in bit positions 10–29.

double x;

x = PGAGetRealFromGrayCode (ctx, p, PGA_NEWPOP, 10, 29, -10.0, 20.0);

  • ctx – context variable

  • p – string index

  • pop – symbolic constant of the population the string is in

  • start – starting bit position in the binary representation

  • end – ending bit position in the binary representation

  • lower – lower bound of the interval the real number is defined on

  • upper – upper bound of the interval the real number is defined on


The real value encoded by the binary reflected Gray code sequence