Users Guide

The Structure of PGAPack

This chapter provides a general overview of the structure of PGAPack.

Native Data Types

PGAPack is a data-structure-neutral library. By this we mean that a data-hiding capability provides the full functionality of the library to the user, in a transparent manner, irrespective of the data type used. PGAPack supports four native data types: binary-valued, integer-valued, real-valued, and character-valued strings. In addition, PGAPack is designed to be easily extended to support other data types (see Chapter Custom Usage: Native Data Types).

The binary (or bit) data type (i.e., |1|0|1|1|) is the traditional GA coding. The bits may either be interpreted literally or decoded into integer or real values by using either binary coded decimal or binary-reflected Gray codes. In PGAPack the binary data type is implemented by using each distinct bit in a computer word as a gene, making the software very memory-efficient. The integer-valued data type (i.e., |3|9|2|4|) is often used in routing and scheduling problems. The real-valued data type (i.e., |4.2|7.1|-6.3|0.8|) is useful in numerical optimization applications. The character-valued data type (i.e., |h|e|l|l|o|w|o|r|l|d|is useful for symbolic applications.

Context Variable

In PGAPack the context variable is the data structure that provides the data hiding capability. The context variable is a pointer to a C language structure, which is itself a collection of other structures. These (sub)structures contain all the information necessary to run the genetic algorithm, including data type specified, parameter values, which functions to call, operating system parameters, debugging flags, initialization choices, and internal scratch arrays. By hiding the actual data type selected and specific functions that operate on that data type in the context variable, user-level functions in PGAPack can be called independent of the data type.

Almost all fields in the context variable have default values. However, the user can set values in the context variable by using the PGASet family of function calls. The values of fields in the context variable may be read with the PGAGet family of function calls.

Levels of Usage Available

PGAPack provides multiple levels of control to support the requirements of different users. At the simplest level, the genetic algorithm “machinery” is encapsulated within the PGARun() function, and the user need specify only three parameters: the data type, the string length, and the direction of optimization. All other parameters have default values. At the next level, the user calls the data-structure-neutral functions explicitly (e.g., PGASelect(), PGACrossover(), PGAMutate()). This mode is useful when the user wishes more explicit control over the steps of the genetic algorithm or wishes to hybridize the genetic algorithm with a hill-climbing heuristic. At the third level, the user can customize the genetic algorithm by supplying his or her own function(s) to provide a particular operator(s) while still using one of the native data types. Finally, the user can define his or her own datatype, write the data-structure-specific low-level GA functions for the datatype (i.e., crossover, mutation, etc.), and have the data-structure-specific functions executed by the high-level data-structure-neutral PGAPack functions.

Function Call-Based Library

All the access to, and functionality of, the PGAPack library is provided through function calls.

  • The PGASet family of functions sets parameter values, allele values, and specifies which GA operators to use. For example, PGASetPopSize (ctx, 500) sets the GA population size to 500.

  • The PGAGet family of functions returns the values of fields in the context variable and allele values in the string. For example, bit = PGAGetBinaryAllele (ctx, p, pop, i) returns the value of the ith bit in string p in population pop into bit.

  • The simplest level of usage is provided by the PGARun() function. This function will run the genetic algorithm by using any nondefault values specified by the user and default values for everything else.

  • The next level of usage is provided by the data-structure-neutral functions, which the user can call to have more control over the specific steps of the genetic algorithm. Some of these functions are PGASelect(), PGACrossover(), PGAMutate(), PGAEvaluate(), and PGAFitness().

  • The data-structure-specific functions deal directly with native data types. In general, the user never calls these functions directly.

  • System calls in PGAPack provide miscellaneous functionality, including debugging, random number generation, output control, and error reporting.

Header File and Symbolic Constants

The PGAPack header file contains symbolic constants and type definitions for all functions and should be included in any file (or function or subroutine in Fortran) that calls a PGAPack function. For example, PGA_CROSSOVER_UNIFORM is a symbolic constant that is used as an argument to the function PGASetCrossoverType() to specify uniform crossover. In C the header file is pgapack.h. In Fortran it is pgapackf.h

Evaluation Function

PGAPack requires that the user supply a function that returns an evaluation of a string that it will map to a fitness value. This function is called whenever a string evaluation is required. The calling sequence and return value of the function must follow the format discussed in Section String Evaluation and Fitness.


PGAPack can be run on both sequential computers (uniprocessors) and parallel computers (multiprocessors, multicomputers, and workstation networks). The parallel programming model used is message passing, in particular the single program, single data (SPMD) model. PGAPack supports sequential and parallel implementations of the global population model (see Chapter Parallel Aspects).


PGAPack is written in ANSI C. A set of interface functions allows most user-level PGAPack functions to be called from Fortran. All message-passing calls follow the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard [MPI94], [GLS94], [MPI21]. Nonoperative versions of the basic MPI functions used in the examples are supplied if the user does not provide an MPI implementation for their machine. These routines simply return and provide no parallel functionality. Their purpose is to allow the PGAPack library to be built in the absence of an MPI implementation.

Most low-level internal functions in PGAPack are data-structure specific and use addresses and/or offsets of the population data structures. The user-level routines, however, provide the abstractions of data-structure neutrality and an integer indexing scheme for access to population data structures.

Basic Usage

As the examples in Chapter Examples show, a PGAPack program can be written with just four function calls and a string evaluation function. This basic usage is discussed further in Section Required Functions. Sections Stopping Criteria to Utility Functions explain options available in PGAPack. Section Command-Line Arguments discusses PGAPack command line arguments.

Required Functions

Any file (or function or subroutine in C and Fortran) that uses a PGAPack function must include the PGAPack header file. In C this file is pgapack.h. In Fortran this file is pgapackf.h. The first PGAPack call made is always to PGACreate(). In C this call looks like

PGAContext *ctx;
ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, datatype, len, maxormin);

PGACreate() allocates space for the context variable, ctx (Section Context Variable), and returns its address. argc and argv are the standard list of arguments to a C program. datatype must be one of the constants defined in group Constants for Datatypes to specify strings consisting of binary-valued, integer-valued, real-valued, character-valued or user-defined strings, respectively. The parameter len is the length of the string (i.e., the number of genes), maxormin must be one in group Constants for Optimization Direction to indicate whether the user’s problem is maximization or minimization, respectively.

In Fortran the call to PGACreate() is

integer ctx
ctx = PGACreate (datatype, len, maxormin)

where datatype, len, and maxormin are the same as for C programs. After the PGACreate() call, the user may optionally set nondefault values. These are then followed by a call to PGASetUp() to initialize to default values all options, parameters, and operators not explicitly specified by the user. For example,

ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, datatype, len, maxormin);
PGASetPopSize              (ctx, 500);
PGASetFitnessType          (ctx, PGA_FITNESS_RANKING);
PGASetCrossoverType        (ctx, PGA_CROSSOVER_UNIFORM);
PGASetUniformCrossoverProb (ctx, 0.6);
PGASetUp                   (ctx);

will change the default values for the population size, the mapping of the user’s evaluation to a fitness value, and the crossover type. All PGASet calls should be made after PGACreate() has been called, but before PGASetUp() has been called; all such calls are optional. Note also that all PGAPack functions other than PGACreate() take the context variable as their first argument.

The PGARun() function executes the genetic algorithm. Its second argument is the name of a user-supplied evaluation function that returns a double (double precision in Fortran) value that is the user’s evaluation of an individual string. In C the prototype for this function looks like

double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux);

and in Fortran

double precision function evaluate (ctx, p, pop, aux)
integer ctx, p, pop
double precision aux(*)

The user must write the evaluation function, and it must have the calling sequence shown above and discussed further in Section String Evaluation and Fitness, except that depending on the architecture and the calling convention of the compiler, the aux argument can be left out. After PGARun() terminates, PGADestroy() is called to release all memory allocated by PGAPack. 1

Except for writing an evaluation function (Section String Evaluation and Fitness) the information contained in rest of this chapter is optional—defaults will be set for all other GA parameters. We do note, however, that the defaults used are the result of informal testing and results reported in the GA literature. They are by no means optimal, and additional experimentation with other values may well yield better performance on any given problem.

Population Replacement

PGAPack supports several different population replacement schemes. Among them the two most common replacement schemes in the literature. The first, the generational replacement genetic algorithm (GRGA), replaces the entire population each generation and is the traditional genetic algorithm [Hol92]. The second, the steady-state genetic algorithm (SSGA), typically replaces only a few strings each generation and is a more recent development [Sys89], [Whi89], [WK88]. A third scheme, originally called restricted tournament selection by Harik [Har94], [Har95] and later adopted under the name of restricted tournament replacement by Pelikan [Pel05] replaces offspring candidates into the original population by selecting a number of members from the original population and selecting the member most similar to the candidate. The similarity metric is implemented by a genetic distance function see section Basics. The candidate is then compared to the most similar member and only if the new solution candidate is better than the member it replaces it. This approach is repeated for each new solution. A fourth approach used by evolutionary algorithm variants that mutate an individual into an offspring that replaces its parent only when it is better is also supported. This variant is used by the popular Differential Evolution [SP95], [SP97], [PSL05] algorithm. We call this replacement variant pairwise best in the following. Individuals with the same index in the old and the new population are compared and the one with the better fitness is used.

Two algorithms are typically used for multi-objective optimization. The first one is the elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (Version 2), NSGA-II [DPAM02] and is called NSGA-II replacement. It can be used for single-objective optimization, too, both with and without constraints. If constraints are present, by default the constraint violations are summed. An alternative is to use nondominated sorting for constraints, too. This can be switched on by setting PGASetSumConstraintsFlag() to PGA_FALSE.

The second is the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for many-objective optimization, NSGA-III [DJ14], [JD14]. NSGA-II and NSGA-III are the only possible population replacement algorithms when using multi-objective optimization.

With NSGA-III you need to define a regular set of points or a set of directions where you want solutions to the multi-objective problem to be found, both can be combined, you can specify both, a number of reference directions and reference points. The reference points are in a hyperplane defined by the M positive axes of the objective space, the hyperplane goes through the axes intercepts at coordinate 1 for each of the axes. An example for three objectives with a partition size of 12 is shown in figure Reference points in 3 dimensions, partition-size 12.

Reference points in 3 dimensions, partition-size 12

Reference points in 3 dimensions, partition-size 12

The discovered pareto-front is projected onto this hyperplane [BDR19]. When specifying reference directions, these are directly defined in the objective space (without any projection).

To compute a set of points we use an algorithm originally defined in a paper by I. Das and J. E. Dennis [DD98] with the function LIN_dasdennis(). This function gets the dimension (the number of objectives to optimize which is the number of auxiliary evaluations +1 minus the number of constraints) and the number of partitions. It returns the points in result and optionally takes a scale factor in the range 0..1 and a direction to shift this scaled set of points. The direction is only needed if the scale factor is less than one. The first time the function is called, the result must point at a NULL pointer. The function automatically allocates the necessary memory. It can be called multiple times to extend the points already allocated. The resulting points are then passed into the function PGASetReferencePoints():

int npoints = 0;
void *result = NULL;
double point [3] = {1, 1, 1};

PGASetNumAuxEval (ctx, 2);
PGASetNumConstraint (ctx, 0);
npoints = LIN_dasdennis (3, 2, &result, 0, 1, NULL);
npoints = LIN_dasdennis (3, 1, &result, npoints, 0.5, point);
PGASetReferencePoints (ctx, npoints, result);

For defining reference directions, the function PGASetReferenceDirections() is used. It gets the number of directions and the vector of directions (each direction is a vector of the dimensionality of the number of objectives) and the number of partitions (for Das/Dennis points) and the scale factor of the generated points:

double directions [][3] = {{1, 1, 1}, {1, 2, 3}};
PGASetReferenceDirections (ctx, 2, directions, 12, 0.05);

The difference to the reference points above is that the reference directions are in the objective space and the Das/Dennis points are generated dynamically in each generation.

Note that by default when no population size if specified, NSGA-III uses the number of points defined by the reference points and reference directions for the population size.

The NSGA-III replacement optimizes the solutions to be near the reference points and/or reference directions. With a high number of objective functions, the N-dimensional space forming the solution space increases exponentially with the number of objective functions. This is known as the “curse of dimensionality”. With NSGA-II it is increasingly hard to find a well distributed set of solutions with more than two or three objectives. With the NSGA-III replacement it is possible to concentrate the search to a predefined number of reference points or reference directions.

PGAPack supports both GRGA and SSGA and variants in between via parameterized population replacement. For example, the PGASet calls

PGASetPopSize         (ctx, 200);
PGASetNumReplaceValue (ctx, 10);
PGASetPopReplaceType  (ctx, PGA_POPREPL_BEST);

specify that each generation a new population is created consisting of ten strings created via recombination, and the 190 most fit strings from the old population. The 190 strings can also be selected randomly, with or without replacement, by setting the second argument of PGASetPopReplaceType() to PGA_POPREPL_RANDOM_REP or PGA_POPREPL_RANDOM_NOREP, respectively.

For selecting restricted tournament replacement PGA_POPREPL_RTR is used. The default for the window size (number of members of the old population that are chosen for comparison with a new candidate) is min \((n, N/20)\) where \(n\) is the string length and \(N\) is the population size [Pel05]. The window size can be set or queried with PGASetRTRWindowSize() and PGAGetRTRWindowSize(), respectively. Note that when restricted tournament replacement is in use, the maximum number of new candidates is limited with the number set with PGASetNumReplaceValue() but fewer—depending on fitness–may be replaced into the new population. Note that it depends on the selection which individuals in the old population are replaced. Since restricted tournament replacement is an elitist strategy the overall fitness never dimishes with this replacement strategy.

For pairwise best replacement PGA_POPREPL_PAIRWISE_BEST is used as the replacement type. Like restricted tournament replacement it is an elitist strategy.

For NSGA-II replacement PGA_POPREPL_NSGA_II is used. For NSGA-III replacement PGA_POPREPL_NSGA_III is used. The number of auxiliary evaluation function can be set with PGASetNumAuxEval() and the number of constraints can be set with PGASetNumConstraint(). If the difference between the two is \(>0\) (i.e. the number of objectives is \(>1\)), these auxiliary evaluations are used for multi-objective optimization. Only the NSGA-II and NSGA-III replacement are possible with these settings (i.e. when the number of objectives is \(>1\)).

The replacement types pairwise best, restricted tournament replacement, NSGA-II, and NSGA-III replacement have selection pressure in addition to providing a population replacement strategy. So these can be used if a selection scheme without selection pressure (a tournament strategy with only one participant in the tournament or linear selection) is used.

By default, the number of new strings created each generation is 10 percent of the population size (an SSGA population replacement strategy). A GRGA can be implemented by setting PGASetNumReplaceValue() to the population size (the default population size is 100). Setting PGASetNumReplaceValue() to one less than the population size will result in an elitist GRGA, where the most fit string is always copied to the new population (since PGA_POPREPL_BEST is the default population replacement strategy).

Traditionally, strings created through recombination first undergo crossover and then mutation. Some practitioners [Dav91] have argued that these two operators should be separate. By default, PGAPack applies mutation only to strings that did not undergo crossover.

This is equivalent to setting PGASetMixingType() to PGA_MIX_MUTATE_OR_CROSS which is also the default. To have strings undergo both crossover and mutation, one should set PGASetMixingType() to PGA_MIX_TRADITIONAL. Note that there is also a mode that will not mutate strings that are not also crossed over. This can be enabled by setting PGASetMixingType() to PGA_MIX_MUTATE_AND_CROSS.

If an evolutionary algorithm variant without crossover is used or if special crossover techniques with more that two parents should be applied, all the logic can be implemented in a custom crossover operator and the PGASetMixingType() can be set to PGA_MIX_MUTATE_ONLY. In this mode no crossover is performed at all.

There is also a legacy interface which should not be used for new code. Functions used in that interface are: PGASetMutationOrCrossoverFlag(), PGASetMutationAndCrossoverFlag(), and PGASetMutationOnlyFlag().

By default, PGAPack allows duplicate strings in the population. Some practitioners advocate not allowing duplicate strings in the population in order to maintain diversity. The function call PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag() with the parameters (ctx, PGA_TRUE) will not allow duplicate strings in the population: It repeatedly applies the mutation operator (with an increasing mutation rate) to a duplicate string until it no longer matches any string in the new population. If the mutation rate exceeds 1.0, however, the duplicate string will be allowed in the population, and a warning message will be issued.

Figure Population Replacement shows the generic population replacement scheme in PGAPack. Both populations \(k\) and \(k+1\) are of fixed size (the value returned by PGAGetPopSize()). First, PGAGetPopSize() - PGAGetNumReplaceValue() strings are copied over directly from generation \(k\). The way the strings are chosen, the most fit, or randomly with or without replacement, depends on the value set by PGASetPopReplaceType(). The remaining PGAGetNumReplaceValue() strings are created by crossover and mutation.

Population Replacement

Population Replacement

Stopping Criteria

PGAPack terminates when at least one of the stopping rule(s) specified has been met. The three stopping rules are (1) iteration limit exceeded, (2) population too similar, and (3) no change in the best solution found in a given number of iterations. The default is to stop when the iteration limit (by default, 1000 iterations) is reached. Note that when \(\epsilon\)-constraint optimization is in use, stopping is not triggered as long as \(\epsilon>0\), see section String Evaluation and Fitness.

The choice of stopping rule is set by PGASetStoppingRuleType(). For example, PGASetStoppingRuleType() with parameters (ctx, PGA_STOP_MAXITER) is the default. Other choices are PGA_STOP_TOOSIMILAR and PGA_STOP_NOCHANGE for population too similar and no change in the best solution found, respectively. PGASetStoppingRuleType() may be called more than once. The different stopping rules specified are ored together.

If PGA_STOP_MAXITER is one of the stopping rules, PGASetMaxGAIterValue() with parameters (ctx, 500) will change the maximum iteration limit to 500. If PGA_STOP_NOCHANGE is one of the stopping rules, PGASetMaxNoChangeValue() with parameters (ctx, 50) will change from 100 (the default) to 50 the maximum number of iterations in which no change in the best evaluation is allowed before the GA stops. If PGA_STOP_TOOSIMILAR is one of the stopping rules, PGASetMaxSimilarityValue() with parameters (ctx, 99) will change from 95 to 99 the percentage of the population allowed to have the same evaluation function value before the GA stops.


Strings are either initialized randomly (the default), or set to zero. The choice is specified by setting the second argument of PGASetRandomInitFlag() to either PGA_TRUE or PGA_FALSE, respectively. Random initialization depends on the datatype.

If binary-valued strings are used, each gene is set to 1 or 0 with an equal probability. To set the probability of randomly setting a bit to 1 to 0.3, use PGASetBinaryInitProb() with parameters (ctx, 0.3).

For integer-valued strings, the default is to set the strings to a permutation on a range of integers. The default range is \([0,L-1]\), where \(L\) is the string length. PGASetIntegerInitPermute() with parameters (ctx, 500, 599) will set the permutation range to \([500,599]\). The length of the range must be the same as the string length.

Alternatively, PGASetIntegerInitRange() will set each gene to a random value selected uniformly from a specified range. For example, the code

stringlen = PGAGetStringLength (ctx);
for (i=0;i<stringlen;i++) {
    low[i]  = 0;
    high[i] = i;
PGASetIntegerInitRange (ctx, low, high);

will select a value for gene i uniformly randomly from the interval \([0,i]\).

If real-valued strings are used, the alleles are set to a value selected uniformly randomly from a specified interval. The interval may be specified with either the PGASetRealInitRange() or PGASetRealInitFraction() functions. For example, the code

stringlen = PGAGetStringLength (ctx);
for (i=0; i<stringlen; i++) {
    low[i]  = -10.0;
    high[i] = (double) i;
PGASetRealInitRange (ctx, low, high);

will select a value for allele i uniformly randomly from the interval \([-10.0,{\tt i}]\). This is the default strategy for initializing real-valued strings. The default interval is \([0,1.0]\).

PGASetRealInitFraction() specifies the interval with a median value and fraction of the median as offset. For example,

stringlen = PGAGetStringLength (ctx);
for (i=1; i<=stringlen; i++) {
    median  [i-1] = (double)  i;
    percent [i-1] =          .5;
PGASetRealInitFraction (ctx, median, percent);

will select a value for allele i uniformly randomly from the increasing intervals \([\frac{1}{2}i,\frac{3}{2}i]\). Note that if the median value is zero for some \(i\), then an interval of \([0,0]\) will be defined.

If character-valued strings are used, PGASetCharacterInitType() with parameters (ctx, PGA_CINIT_UPPER) will set the allele values to uppercase alphabetic characters chosen uniformly randomly. Other options are PGA_CINIT_LOWER for lower case letters only (the default) and PGA_CINIT_MIXED for mixed case letters, respectively.


The selection phase allocates reproductive trials to strings on the basis of their fitness. PGAPack supports five selection schemes: proportional selection, stochastic universal selection, truncation selection, tournament selection (default is binary tournament selection), and probabilistic binary tournament selection. A sixth scheme which is called linear selection that is not a selection scheme in the genetic sense (it has no selection pressure) is used for evolutionary algorithms that rely on modification of individuals that later replace their parent if the offspring has higher fitness, so the selection pressure is applied in the replacement strategy. The linear scheme is guaranteed to return individuals in population order.

The choice may be specified by setting the second argument of PGASetSelectType() to one of the constants in group Constants for Selection Types. The default is tournament selection. For tournament selection, the size of the tournament (number of participants) can be set e.g., with PGASetTournamentSize() with parameters (ctx, 3). The default is binary tournament (size = 2). To allow a more fine-grained selection pressure, the tournament size is a floating-point value. The integer part of that value specifies the minimum tournament size. For each tournament for the fractional part, a biased coin is flipped (using PGARandomFlip()) and the tournament size is increased by one if the outcome is positive. This mechanism for fine-grained tournaments was first proposed by Harik and Goldberg [HG96] and later rediscovered by Filipović et. al. [FKTL00].

Note that with a tournament size of 1 (or with the linear selection scheme) there is no selection pressure. Having no selection pressure in this step can be compensated by using a replacement scheme with selection pressure, i.e., one of restricted tournament replacement or pairwise best replacement, see section Population Replacement for details on population replacement. If no selection pressure is used in the selection scheme and in the population replacement strategy, the genetic search degenerates to a random walk.

In addition, for tournament selection it can be specified if the selection is with or without replacement using the function PGASetTournamentWithReplacement() with a parameter of PGA_FALSE or PGA_TRUE. Sampling without replacement guarantees that for \(n\) tournaments, each individual participates in the same number of tournaments (as long as \(n\) multiplied by the tournament size is a multiple of the population size) [GKD89]. This was later re-invented by Sokolov and Whitley under the name Unbiased Tournament Selection [SW05].

The default sampling is with replacement as if PGASetTournamentWithReplacement() had been called with the parameter PGA_TRUE. The probabilistic tournament selection is always binary (two participants in the tournament), the default probability that the string that wins the tournament is selected is 0.6. It may be set to 0.8, for example, with PGASetPTournamentProb() with parameters (ctx, 0.8). The tournament for probabilistic tournament selection is always with replacement. The truncation selection by default selects half of the population. This proportion of selected individuals can be set with PGASetTruncationProportion() for which the default value is 0.5.

When using multi-objective optimization with, e.g., the NSGA-II [DPAM02] population replacement (see section Population Replacement), it is possible to either use a selection scheme with or without selection pressure. However, selection schemes that rely on direct comparison of individuals (e.g. tournament selection) will sort by the domination rank of the individuals established by the NSGA-II algorithm. This is because for multi-objective optimization there is no full order established by multiple objectives as would be the case for single-objective optimization. This may result in less selection pressure because multiple individuals will typically have the same rank. This lower selection pressure is compensated by the selection pressure introduced by the NSGA-II (or -III) population replacement algorithm.

Most selection schemes (except stochastic universal selection) already return a randomized sequence. In previous implementations all sequences got an additional randomization step. By default this is no longer the case (exect for PGA_SELECT_SUS). You can enable the previous behavior by setting it to PGA_TRUE with PGASetRandomizeSelect(). Note that even with this flag set, the sequence returned by the linear selection scheme is never randomized. This has adverse effects on crossover with linear selection: With this scheme the same two adjacent population members are always crossed over which makes crossover almost ineffective. Linear selection is typically only useful when using special mutation operators most often with PGASetMixingType() set to PGA_MIX_MUTATE_ONLY. If you need a randomized sequence without selection pressure, use tournament selection without replacement with a tournament size of one.


The crossover operator takes bits from each parent string and combines them to create child strings. The type of crossover may be specified by setting PGASetCrossoverType() to one of the constants in group Crossover Constants. The possible crossover types are one-point, two-point, uniform, or simulated binary (SBX) crossover, respectively. For integer alleles there is also Edge Recombination crossover [WSS91]. If the integer gene is initialized to be a permutation, this variant preserves this property. In addition some edges can be defined to be fixed (unmutable). This is done with the PGAIntegerSetFixedEdges(). An example is given in examples/sequence.

The default is two-point crossover. By default the crossover rate is 0.85. It may be set to 0.6 by PGASetCrossoverProb() with parameters (ctx, 0.6), for example. Simulated binary crossover is available only for integer and real genes.

Uniform crossover and simulated binary crossover are parameterized by \(p_u\), the probability of swapping two parent bit values [SD91] in the case of uniform crossover and for mutating an allele for SBX. By default, \(p_u = 0.5\). The function call PGASetUniformCrossoverProb() with parameters (ctx, 0.7) will set \(p_u = 0.7\).

SBX uses a polynomial distribution with a parameter \(\eta_c\) that defines how far the child may deviate from each parent. For high values of this parameter, children stay nearer to the parents [DA95]. Recommended values of this parameter are typically in the range 2–5, the default is 2 and a different value can be set with PGASetCrossoverSBXEta().

When crossing strings with SBX, typically for each allele a new random number is computed for the polynomial distribution. With PGASetCrossoverSBXOncePerString() you can define that a random number is only drawn once for each individual to be crossed over. This ensures that the child is on the line in N-dimensional space between the two parents if all alleles are crossed over. This may be beneficial when handling optimization problems that are not decomposable [Sal96] similar to the crossover rate in differential evolution [PSL05].

Crossover types that may yield child individuals outside the range of the parents (currently only SBX) may want to call PGASetCrossoverBoundedFlag() or PGASetCrossoverBounceBackFlag() with the context variable and PGA_TRUE to select an algorithm that keeps the child alleles within the bounds of the initialization ranges of the gene for each allele. These parameters work analogous to PGASetMutationBoundedFlag() and PGASetMutationBounceBackFlag() for mutation. For the bounce-back implementation the parent nearer to the initialisation boundary is used for each check.

Negative Assortative Mating

When selecting parents for crossover, the default is to use the two parents chosed by the selection scheme in use, see section selection. It was observed early [ES91] that genetic diversity can be maintained (avoiding premature convergence) by enforcing a lower bound on the genetic distance of parents. Later Fernandes and Rosa researched several variants of mating restrictions [FR01]. The negative assortative mating (NAM) selects the first parent as usual but draws a set of candidate second parents of which the one with the largest genetic distance to the first parent is selected. The window size for this set can be set with PGASetNAMWindowSize(), a minimum of two and a maximum of the population size minus two should be selected to turn this feature on. The default is to use the standard selection (window size 1). Originally Fernandes and Rosa used the hamming distance for computing the genetic distance, but they also investigated an application specific metric [FTMR01]. PGAPack uses the genetic distance, see Basics which by default uses the hamming distance for binary genes and the manhattan distance for integer and real genes.

The negative assortative mating is for selection what the restricted tournament replacement scheme is for replacement: The latter selects the genetically closest individual for replacement which also results in preserving genetic diversity.


The mutation rate is the probability that a gene will undergo mutation. The mutation rate is independent of the datatype used. The default mutation rate is the reciprocal of the string length. The function call PGASetMutationProb() with parameters (ctx, .001) will set the mutation rate to .001.

The type of mutation depends on the data type. For binary-valued strings, mutation is a bit complement operation. For character-valued strings, mutation replaces one alphabetic character with another chosen uniformly randomly. The alphabetic characters will be lower, upper, or mixed case depending on how the strings were initialized.

For integer-valued strings, if the strings were initialized to a permutation and gene \(i\) is to be mutated, the default mutation operator swaps gene \(i\) with a randomly selected gene. If the strings were initialized to a random value from a specified range and gene \(i\) is to be mutated, by default gene \(i\) will be replaced by a value selected uniformly random from the initialization range.

The mutation operator for integer-valued strings may be changed irrespective of how the strings were initialized. If PGASetMutationType() is set to PGA_MUTATION_RANGE, gene \(i\) will be replaced with a value selected uniformly randomly from the initialization range. If the strings were initialized to a permutation, the minimum and maximum values of the permutation define the range. If PGASetMutationType() is set to PGA_MUTATION_PERMUTE, gene \(i\) will be swapped with a randomly selected gene. If PGASetMutationType() is set to PGA_MUTATION_CONSTANT, a constant integer value (by default one) will be added (subtracted) to (from) the existing allele value. The constant value may be set to 34, for example, with PGASetMutationIntegerValue() with parameters (ctx, 34).

Three of the real-valued mutation operators are of the form \(v \leftarrow v \pm p \times v\), where \(v\) is the existing allele value. They vary by how \(p\) is selected. First, if PGASetMutationType() is set to PGA_MUTATION_CONSTANT, \(p\) is the constant value 0.01. It may be set to .02, for example, with PGASetMutationRealValue() with parameters (ctx, .02). Second, if PGASetMutationType() is set to PGA_MUTATION_UNIFORM, \(p\) is selected uniformly from the interval \((0,.1)\). To select \(p\) uniformly from the interval \((0,1)\) call PGASetMutationRealValue() with parameters (ctx, 1). Third, if PGASetMutationType() is set to PGA_MUTATION_GAUSSIAN, \(p\) is selected from a Gaussian distribution (this is the default real-valued mutation operator) with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1. To select \(p\) from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.5 call PGASetMutationRealValue() with parameters (ctx, .5). Finally, if PGASetMutationType() is set to PGA_MUTATION_RANGE, gene \(i\) will be replaced with a value selected uniformly random from the initialization range of that gene.

For integer and real genes there is a polynomial mutation operator selected with the mutation type constant PGA_MUTATION_POLY [DG96]. It works by drawing a random number from a polynomial probabilty density function for a fixed mutation interval. The mutation interval by default is between the current allele value and the lower/upper initialisation range of the gene. Unless you also call PGASetMutationBoundedFlag() or PGASetMutationBounceBackFlag() to keep mutation within the bounds of the initialization range, the default value does not make much sense (because the current value may already exceed the boundary). In that case (and other cases where you want a fixed mutation range) you can call PGASetMutationPolyValue() to set the mutation range. The polynomial mutation distribution has a parameter \(\eta_m\) that specifies how likely values far away from the current allele are selected, the higher this value gets, the nearer the mutated values stays to the parent. You can set this parameter with PGASetMutationPolyEta(), the default is 100 [DD14].

For Differential Evolution (DE), the strategy is implemented as the mutation type PGA_MUTATION_DE. Note that for the full DE algorithm not just a special mutation type is needed, see section Differential Evolution for an introduction. You typically want to chose mutation only, linear selection, and pairwise-best replacement. For DE, real- and integer-valued genes are typically called vectors (because a gene is a vector of real- or integeer-valued alleles), we use that term in the following.

The default strategy of DE is to compute the distance of a pair of random vectors in the population and add this difference to a randomly-chosen third vector:

(1)\[V_{i,g} = X_{r_0,g} + F \cdot (X_{r_1,g} - X_{r_2,g})\]

Where \(g\) denotes the generation, \(i\) is the running population index, and \(r_0\), \(r_1\), and \(r_2\) are random population indeces different from each other and the running index \(i\). The factor \(F\), called the scale factor, is a parameter of the search and can be specified with PGASetDEScaleFactor(), the default is 0.9. The range for this parameter is \([0,2]\) but typical values are in the range \([0.3,1)\), the exact value \(1.0\) should not be chosen because it reduces the number of mutants and thus potentially the genetic variance [PSL05].

The resulting mutant vector \(V_i\), also called the donor vector, is then combined via crossover with the member \(i\) of the population, \(X_i\). Note that the crossover in this implementation of DE is not the normal genetic algorithm crossover (from section Crossover), in fact when using DE, crossover is typically turned off by setting PGASetMixingType() to PGA_MIX_MUTATE_ONLY. Instead DE uses its own crossover implementation within the PGA_MUTATION_DE mutation implementation. For each vector element (allele), a random variable with a crossover probability specified by PGASetDECrossoverProb() (default 0.9) is chosen. In the default binomial crossover variant of DE this variable selects an element from either the donor vector \(V_i\) or \(X_i\). In the DE literature this parameter is typically called Cr. At least one random element from \(V_i\) is always selected, so with a crossover probability of 0, exactly one element from the donor vector is selected. With a crossover probability of 1, all elements from the donor vector are selected. Crossover plays a significat role in optimisation. For decomposable problems (where each dimension of the problem can be optimized separately [Sal96]) a low crossover rate \(0 \le Cr \le 0.2\) is a good choice. For non-decomposable problem a high crossover rate should be chosen, i.e. \(0.9 \le Cr \le 1\) [PSL05].

The resulting individual after crossover is placed in the new population. If pairwise-best population replacement is selected (the default in the DE literature, see section Population Replacement) it is later compared with the old individual \(X_i\) in the old population which it replaces if it has better fitness.

There are different variants of DE and a notation was established to distinguish these variants. The notation uses a 4-tuple where each element is delimited with a ’/’. The first element in the tuple is always the string DE for Differential Evolution. The second element describes the variant. The most common (often called the classic variant) selects a random element from the population for modification and is therefore called rand, see equation (1). The third tuple-element is the number of difference-pairs applied to the modified element, it is typically one or two. If we use two differences, the formula in equation (1) would become:

(2)\[V_{i,g} = X_{r_0,g} + F \cdot (X_{r_1,g} - X_{r_2,g}) + F \cdot (X_{r_3,g} - X_{r_4,g})\]

The number of differences can be specified with PGASetDENumDiffs() and defaults to 1. Note that not all DE strategies use this parameter.

The fourth final element specifies the crossover strategy. For the default DE-crossover strategy following a binomial distribution (in standard GA terms this type of crossover is often called uniform crossover) this final element is termed bin. The crossover for DE can be set with PGASetDECrossoverType(). The default is binomial crossover, exponential crossover can be set, see constants in group Differential Evolution Crossover Constants. So for the default DE strategy the name is DE/rand/1/bin with the exponential crossover selected, we would get DE/rand/1/exp. Binomial crossover tosses a biased coin with probability \(Cr\) for each allele. If the coin turns out ’1’, the allele is taken from the donor vector, otherwise the allele from the current individual is retained. For exponential crossover an index in the gene is randomly selected and taken from the donor vector. For all subsequent alleles (starting at the randomly selected index) a coin is tossed. As long as the coin is ’1’, the allele is taken from the donor vector. The first time the coin-toss doesn’t yield a ’1’, all the remaining alleles are taken retained from the original individual. This is a form of two-point crossover like in other types of genetic algorithms but with a different distribution. The binomial crossover is beneficial if the allele positions in the problem are uncorrelated. If there is a corellation between allele positions, exponential crossover may be beneficial [TF14].

The DE variant (the second tuple element) can be selected with PGASetDEVariant() and defaults to PGA_DE_VARIANT_RAND. The different variants are documented in group Constants for Differential Evolution Variants. Another variant is the best variant which uses the current best individual for modification according to equation (3). This variant is selected with the contant PGA_DE_VARIANT_BEST.

(3)\[V_{i,g} = X_{\text{best},g} + F \cdot (X_{r_1,g} - X_{r_2,g})\]

A third variant called either-or [PSL05] is selected with the constant PGA_DE_VARIANT_EITHER_OR. It randomly selects among a mutation operator and a recombination operator according to equation (4).

(4)\[\begin{split}V_{i,g} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {X_{r_0,g} + F \cdot (X_{r_1,g} - X_{r_2,g})} & \text{if rand$_i$(0, 1) $< p_F$} \\ {X_{r_0,g} + K \cdot (X_{r_1,g} + X_{r_2,g} - 1\cdot X_{r_0,g})} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right.\end{split}\]

The probability \(p_F\) defaults to 0.5 and can be set with PGASetDEProbabilityEO(). The parameter \(K\) defaults to \(0.5 \cdot (F + 1)\) [PSL05] where F is the scale factor, it can be set with PGASetDEAuxFactor(). Note that the either-or variant ignores the parameter specifying the number of difference vectors (specified with PGASetDENumDiffs()). The expression rand\(_i\)(0, 1) denotes a random number in the range \([0, 1)\) which is re-generated for each individual \(i\).

When computing the donor vector \(V_i\), the scale factor \(F\) can be perturbed. This can either be done anew for each individual or for each allele of each individual. The first variant is called dither while the second variant is called jitter. Note that jitter not only changes the length of the difference vector but also its orientation [PSL05]. With uniform jitter we get a new factor \(F_j\), the index \(j\) denoting the allele while \(i\) is the index of the current individual [PSL05]:

(5)\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} F_j = (F + K_{\text{jit}}\cdot (\text{rand}_j(0, 1) - 0.5), & K_{\text{jit}}< 2 \cdot F \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]

The same applies for dither, but in the case of dither the factor is either applied anew for each individual (when setting PGASetDEDitherPerIndividual() to PGA_TRUE) or only once per generation (the default being once per generation), note that for the case where the dither is applied once per generation the index \(i\) of \(K_{\text{jit}}{}\) in equation (6) would refer the the generation:

(6)\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} F_i = (F + K_{\text{dit}}\cdot (\text{rand}_i(0, 1) - 0.5), & K_{\text{dit}}< 2 \cdot F \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]

The new \(F_j\) and/or \(F_i\) replaces \(F\) in equations (1) to (4) and both, the default \(K_{\text{jit}}\) and the default \(K_{\text{dit}}\) are zero by default. If both are non-zero, both are applied. Defaults can can be set with PGASetDEJitter() and PGASetDEDither(), respectively. Very small amounts of uniformly distributed jitter (on the order of 0.001) have been recommended for some problems [PSL05] like digital filter design [PSL05]. Likewise quite large amounts of dither (on the order of 0.5) are recommended for these problems.

Some of the integer- and real-valued mutation operators may generate allele values outside the initialization range of that gene. By default, the allele value will not be reset to the lower (upper) value of the initialization range for that gene. By calling PGASetMutationBoundedFlag() with parameters (ctx, PGA_TRUE) the allele values will be set to the value of the bound if they fall outside of the initialization range. It was argued that setting the value to the bound would reduce the genetic variance and could lead to premature convergence if several individuals get the same value [PSL05]. Therefore an alternative called “Bounce-Back” was proposed: If PGASetMutationBounceBackFlag() is called with parameters (ctx, PGA_TRUE), the new value is set to a random value between the old value and the bound.

A note on the use of the DE mutation type together with other selection or replacements schemes: The DE mutation is very disruptive. It will not work well or not work at all with a non-elitist replacement scheme. Due to the high disruption, if not retaining at least one best individual in each generation, it is very likely that the search will diverge. Good choices for an elitist strategy are the two elitist replacement schemes PGA_POPREPL_PAIRWISE_BEST (which is the standard replacement scheme for Differential Evolution) and PGA_POPREPL_RTR. The latter may help if the algorithm stagnates due to premature convergence. In that case RTR can help to retain more genetic diversity. For details see section Population Replacement.


The restart operator reseeds a population from the best string. It does so by seeding the new population with the best string and generating the remainder of the population as mutated variants of the best string.

By default the restart operator is not invoked. Calling PGASetRestartFlag() with parameters (ctx, PGA_TRUE) will cause the restart operator to be invoked. By default PGAPack will restart every 50 iterations. Calling PGASetRestartFrequencyValue() with (ctx, 100) will restart every 100 iterations instead. When creating the new strings from the best string an individual allele undergoes mutation with probability 0.5. This can be changed to 0.9 by calling PGASetRestartAlleleChangeProb() with parameter 0.9.

For binary-valued strings the bits are complemented. For integer- and real-valued strings the amount to change is set with PGASetMutationIntegerValue() and PGASetMutationRealValue(), respectively. Character-valued strings are changed according to the rules in Section Mutation for mutating character strings.

String Evaluation and Fitness

In a genetic algorithm each string is assigned a nonnegative, real-valued fitness. This is a measure, relative to the rest of the population, of how well that string satisfies a problem-specific metric. In PGAPack calculating a string’s fitness is a two-step process. First, the user supplies a real-valued evaluation (sometimes called the raw fitness) of each string. Second, this value is mapped to a fitness value.

It is the user’s responsibility to supply a function to evaluate an individual string. As discussed in Section Required Functions, the name of this function is specified as the second argument to PGARun(). The calling sequence for this function (which we call evaluate in the rest of this section, but may have any name) must follow the format given here. In C the format is

double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux);

and in Fortran

double precision function evaluate (ctx, p, pop, aux)
integer ctx, p, pop
double precision aux(*)

The function evaluate will be called by PGARun() whenever a string evaluation is required. p is the index of the string in population pop that will be evaluated. The correct values of p and pop will be passed to the evaluation function by PGARun(). (If PGARun() is not used, PGAEvaluate() must be. See Chapter Explicit Usage.) As shown below, p and pop are used for reading (and sometimes writing) allele values. Sample evaluation functions are shown in Figures PGAPack C Program for the Maxbit Example and PGAPack Fortran Program for the Maxbit Example, and online in the ./examples directory.

In addition to returning just one evaluation, PGAPack supports additional auxiliary evaluations. The default use for this mechanism is the specification of constraints on the objective function. If a problem does not allow all areas of the search space because it may contain invalid solutions, additional restrictions on the validity of points in the search space may be specified via constraints.

Another use-case for auxiliary evaluations is multiobjective optimization: The algorithm is not just searching for one solution but for an array of objectives that can usually not all be optimized to their optimum value. Instead a better value for one objective may necessitate a worse value for another objective. A multiobjective algorithm tries to find many non dominated solutions to a problem (a solution is said to dominate another solution if it is better in at least one objective but not worse in any other objective). These non-dominated solutions are said to lie on a Pareto Front after the mathematician Vilfredo Pareto who first defined the concept today known as pareto optimality.

PGAPack now implements multi-objective optimization with the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (Version 2) [DPAM02] as a replacement strategy. You can mix multi-objective optimization and constraints. See below and section Population Replacement for details.

By default, auxiliary evaluations are used for constraints. All auxiliary evaluation are summed if the value is positive. If it is zero or negative, the constraint is not violated and not included in the sum. So the algorithm is minimizing constraint violations. Individuals are sorted by the amount of their constraint violations and the value of the objective function. If an individual without constraint violations is compared to one with constraint violations, the one without violations wins. For two individuals with constraint violations the one with the lower sum of violations wins. For two individuals without constraint violations the normal comparison (depending on the direction of the search, i.e. minimization or maximization) is used. This algorithm works better than trying to code the constraint violations into a complicated evaluation function. It was shown to work better than customized penalty functions by Deb [Deb00].

With this algorithm for optimizing constraints, the constraints are optimized first, only after solutions without constraint violations have been found is the objective function considered. This has the drawback that for certain problems the search will end up in a region of the search space where the constraints are not violated but where no good solutions exist. So with some problems the solutions found are very far from the optimum. An idea by Takahama and Sakai [TS10], [TS06] introduces an \(\epsilon\)-constraint mechanism. An epsilon tolerance is introduced and initialized with the constraint violation sum of the \(\theta\)-best individual. The index of the individual \(\theta\) can be set with PGASetEpsilonTheta(), the default is \(0.2\) the population size.

The comparison of evaluations is modified to include an \(\epsilon\)-tolerance: If both individuals have a constraint violation below the tolerance, the evaluation is compared. If only one individual exceeds the tolerance the other individual wins and if both exceed the tolerance, the one with the lower constraint sum wins. The \(\epsilon\) is slowly decreased until it becomes zero at some generation \(T_c\). The slope of decrease can be specified with the PGASetEpsilonExponent() function, values between 2 (slow decrease) and 10 (fast decrease) are possible. The default is an adaptive algorithm for decrease of \(\epsilon\) described in the 2010 paper [TS10] that works well in practise.

For using the \(\epsilon\)-constraint method, the generation \(T_c\) until which \(\epsilon\) is decreased needs to be set using the PGASetEpsilonGeneration() function, the default is zero. Note that PGASetEpsilonGeneration() needs to be below the value set with PGASetMaxGAIterValue() even if the latter is not used as a stopping criterion. Also note that the stopping criteria (see section Stopping Criteria) are modified to not stop as long as \(\epsilon\) is not zero.

Auxiliary evaluations are returned in an array pointed to by the aux parameter of the users’s evaluation function. To use auxiliary evaluations, the number of auxiliary evaluations has to be specified with the PGASetNumAuxEval() function which gets the number of auxiliary evaluations as the second parameter. The default is 0. If you want to use multi-objective optimization, optionally with constraints, you need to specify the number of constraints using the PGASetNumConstraint() function. By default the number of constraints is equal to the number of auxiliary evaluations. So if you want to use multi-objective evaluation you need to set the number of constraints lower (optionally to zero if you have only multi-objective optimization without constraints) than the number of auxiliary evaluations.

Note that auxiliary evaluations can not be used together with selection schemes that use mechanisms where individuals are not directly compared. These currently are proportional selection and stochastic universal selection, see section Selection.

Traditionally, genetic algorithms assume fitness values are nonnegative and monotonically increasing the more fit a string is. The user’s evaluation of a string, however, may reflect a minimization problem and/or be negative. Most modern selection algorithms (e.g. the default tournament variants) directly compare individuals and will directly use the users evaluation. There are two selection mechanisms, PGA_SELECT_SUS and PGA_SELECT_PROPORTIONAL which need a nonnegative and monotonically increasing fitness. Only for these the user’s evaluation value is mapped to a nonnegative and monotonically increasing fitness value.

You may think of the algorithm used as follows (actually for the ranking method the evaluation value is never translated): First, all evaluations are mapped to positive values (if any were negative). Next, these values are translated to a maximization problem (if the direction of optimization specified was minimization). Finally, these values are mapped to a fitness value by using the identity (the default), linear ranking, or linear normalization, The choice of fitness mapping may be set with the function PGASetFitnessType(). The second argument defines the type, these are documented in group Constants for Fitness Types and allow the identity, linear ranking, or linear normalization, respectively.

Note that PGA_FITNESS_RAW and PGA_FITNESS_NORMAL are subject to overflows if you have very large (or very small negative) fitness values. If this occurs, an error message is printed and the program terminates. Letting the search continue with such an overflow would map many different evaluation values to the same fitness. For such ill-conditioned problems you should use the ranking variant PGA_FITNESS_RANKING.

A linear rank fitness function [Bak87], [Whi89] is given by

\[Min + (Max - Min)\cdot\frac{{\tt rank(p)}-1}{N-1},\label{eq:rank-select}\]

where \(rank(p)\) is the index of string \(p\) in a list sorted in order of decreasing evaluation function value, and \(N\) is the population size. Ranking requires that \(1 \leq Max \leq 2\), and \(Min + Max = 2\). The default value for \(Max\) is 1.2. It may be set to 1.1 with PGASetMaxFitnessRank().

In linear normalization the fitness function is given by

\[K - ({\tt rank(p)} \cdot C),\]

where \(K\) and \(C\) are the constants \(\sigma \cdot N\) and \(\sigma\), where \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation of the user’s evaluation function values after they have been transformed to positive values for a maximization problem.

If the direction of optimization is minimization, the values are remapped for maximization. Calling the function PGASetFitnessMinType() with parameters (ctx, PGA_FITNESSMIN_CMAX) will remap by subtracting the worst evaluation value from each evaluation value (this is the default). The worst evaluation value is multiplied by 1.01 before the subtraction so that the worst string has a nonzero fitness. Calling the function PGASetFitnessCmaxValue() with parameters (ctx, 1.2) will change the multiplier to 1.2 Alternatively, if PGA_FITNESSMIN_RECIPROCAL is specified the remapping is done by using the reciprocal of the evaluation function.

Note that for algorithms that can directly compare individuals in the selection method (any of the tournament selection methods, truncation selection, and linear selection, see section Selection) or in the replacement scheme (restricted tournament replacement or pairwise best replacement, see section Population Replacement) do not use the fitness but compare the evaluation value (and optionally the sum of constraint violations) directly.

Accessing Allele Values

For each of the native data types, PGAPack provides a matched pair of functions that allow the user to read or write (change) any allele value. If the data type is PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY

int bit;
bit = PGAGetBinaryAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);

will assign to bit the binary value of the ith gene in string p in population pop. To set the ith gene in string p in population pop to 1, use

PGASetBinaryAllele (ctx, p, pop, i, 1);

If the data type is PGA_DATATYPE_INTEGER

int k;
k = PGAGetIntegerAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);

will assign to k the integer value of the ith gene in string p in population pop. To set the ith gene in string p in population pop to 34, use

PGASetIntegerAllele (ctx, p, pop, i, 1, 34);

If the data type is PGA_DATATYPE_REAL

double x;
x = PGAGetRealAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);

will assign to x the real value of the ith gene in string p in population pop. To set the ith gene in string p in population pop to 123.456, use

PGASetRealAllele (ctx, p, pop, i, 1, 123.456);

If the data type is PGA_DATATYPE_CHARACTER

char c;
c = PGAGetCharacterAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);

will assign to c the character value of the ith gene in string p in population pop. To set the ith gene in string p in population pop to “Z”, use

PGASetCharacterAllele (ctx, p, pop, i, 1, 'Z');

Representing an Integer with a Binary String

A binary string may be used to represent an integer by decoding the bits into an integer value. In a binary coded decimal (BCD) representation, a binary string is decoded into an integer \(k \in [0,2^{N}-1]\) according to

(7)\[k = \sum_{i=1}^{N} b_{i} 2^{i-1},\]

where \(N\) is the string length, and \(b_i\) the value of the \(i\)th bit. For example, to decode the integer k from the ten bits in bit positions 20–29, use

int k
k = PGAGetIntegerFromBinary (ctx, p, pop, 20, 29);

The function PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary() will encode an integer as a binary string. For example, to encode the integer 564 as a 12-bit binary string 2 in the substring defined by bits 12–23, use

PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary (ctx, p, pop, 12, 23, 564);

In a BCD representation, two numbers that are contiguous in their decimal representations may be far from each other in their binary representations. For example, 7 and 8 are consecutive integers, yet their 4-bit binary representations, 0111 and 1000, differ in the maximum number of bit positions. 3 Gray codes define a different mapping of binary strings to integer values from that given by Eq. (7) and may alternatively be used for representing integer (or real, see below) values in a binary string. The second and third columns in Table Binary and Gray Codes show how the integers 0–7 are mapped to Eq. (7) and to the binary reflected Gray code (the most commonly used Gray code sequence), respectively. In the binary reflected Gray code sequence, the binary representations of consecutive integers differ by only one bit (a Hamming distance of one).

To decode the integer k from a binary reflected Gray code interpretation of the binary string, use

k = PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode (ctx, p, pop, 20, 29);

To encode 564 as a 12-bit binary string in the substring defined by bits 12–23 using a Gray code, use

PGAEncodeIntegerAsGaryCode (ctx, p, pop, 12, 23, 564);
Binary and Gray Codes


Eq. (7) Gray code

























Representing a Real Value with a Binary String

A binary string may also be used to represent a real value. The decoding of a binary string to a real-value is a two-step process. First, the binary string is decoded into an integer as described in Section Representing an Integer with a Binary String. Next, the integer is mapped from the discrete interval \([0,2^{N}-1]\) to the real interval \([L,U]\) by using the formula

\[x = (k-a) \times (U-L)/(b-a) + L\]

(and generalizing \([0,2^{N}-1]\) to \([a,b]\)). For example, to decode the double x from the 20 bits given by the binary string stored in bit positions 10–29 onto the interval \([-10.0,20.0]\), use

x = PGAGetRealFromBinary (ctx, p, pop, 10, 29, -10.0, 20.0);

To encode -18.3 on the interval \([-50.0,50.0]\) using a 20-bit BCD binary string, use

PGAEncodeRealAsBinary (ctx, p, pop, 0, 19, -50.0, 50.0, -18.3);

The functions PGAGetRealFromGrayCode() and PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode() provide similar functionality for Gray-coded strings. All the functions for getting and setting allele values are documented in function group Allele Access.


As an example, suppose the user has a real-valued function \(f\) of three real variables \(x_1\), \(x_2\), and \(x_3\). Further, the variables are constrained as follows.

\[-10 \leq x_1 \leq 0\]
\[0 \leq x_2 \leq 10\]
\[-10 \leq x_3 \leq 10\]

The user wishes to use 10 bits for the binary representation of \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), and 20 bits for the binary representation of \(x_3\) (perhaps for higher accuracy), and a Gray code encoding. This may be done as follows.

#include "pgapack.h"
double grayfunc (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
double f        (double x1, double x2, double x3);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    PGAContext *ctx;
    ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 40, PGA_MINIMIZE);
    PGASetUp        (ctx);
    PGARun          (ctx, grayfunc);
    PGADestroy      (ctx);

double grayfunc (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop)
    double x1, x2, x3, v;
    x1 =  PGAGetRealFromGrayCode (ctx, p, pop,  0,  9, -10.,  0.);
    x2 =  PGAGetRealFromGrayCode (ctx, p, pop, 10, 19,   0., 10.);
    x3 =  PGAGetRealFromGrayCode (ctx, p, pop, 20, 39, -10., 10.);
    v  =  f (x1, x2, x3);
    return v;

In Fortran, the bit indices would be 1–10, 11–20, and 21–40, respectively. The number of bits allocated for the binary representation determines the accuracy with which the real value can be calculated. Note in this example the function f need not be modified; the function grayfunc is used as a “wrapper” to get variable values out of the GA and return the value calculated by f.

Report Options

Calling PGASetPrintFrequencyValue() with parameters (ctx, 40) will print population statistics every 40 iterations. The default is every ten iterations. The best evaluation is always printed. To print additional statistics, set the second argument of the function PGASetPrintOptions() to one of the values documented in group Constants for Reporting to print the online analysis, offline analysis, worst evaluation, average evaluation, genetic distance, or string itself, respectively. PGASetPrintOptions() may be called multiple times to specify multiple print options.

Utility Functions

Random Numbers

By default, PGAPack will seed its random number generator by using a value from the system clock. Therefore, each time PGAPack is run, a unique sequence of random numbers will be used. For debugging or reproducibility purposes, however, the user may wish to use the same sequence of random numbers each time. This may be done using the function PGASetRandomSeed() to initialize the random number generator with the same seed each time, for example,

PGASetRandomSeed (ctx, 1);

PGARandom01() with second parameter 0 will return a random number generated uniformly on \([0,1]\). If the second argument is not :math`0`, it will be used to reseed the random number sequence. PGARandomFlip() flips a biased coin. For example,

PGARandomFlip (ctx, .7)

will return PGA_TRUE approximately 70% of the time. Calling PGARandomInterval() with parameters (ctx, -10, 30) will return an integer value generated uniformly on \([-10,30]\). PGARandomUniform() with parameters (ctx, -50., 50.) will return a real value generated uniformly randomly on the interval \([-50,50]\). PGARandomGaussian() with parameters (ctx, 0., 1.) will return a real value generated from a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and standard deviation one.


PGAGetGAIterValue() will return the current iteration of the GA and PGAGetEvalCount() returns the number of evaluation function calls so far. PGAGetBestIndex() (PGAGetWorstIndex()) will return the index of the most (least) fit member of population pop.

PGAUpdateOffline() (PGAUpdateOnline()) will update the offline (online) analysis based on the new generation’s results. PGAGeneDistance() returns a double, which is the average genetic distance between the strings in population pop. The function call

PGAError (ctx, "popindex=", PGA_FATAL, PGA_INT, (void *)&popindex)

will print the message “popindex=-1” (assuming the value of popindex is -1) and then exit PGAPack. If the third argument had been PGA_WARNING instead, execution would have continued, see group Constants for Error Printing Flags. In addition to PGA_INT, valid data types are documented in group Constants for Error Printing. There is also a printf-style error printing function PGAErrorPrintf().

Command-Line Arguments

PGAPack provides several command-line arguments. These are only available to C programs, although in some cases both C and Fortran programs can achieve the equivalent functionality with function calls. For example, PGAUsage() provides the same functionality as the -pgahelp command line option. See Chapter Debugging Tools for the function call equivalents.

-pgahelp            get this message
-pgahelp   debug    list of debug options
-pgadbg   <level>   set debug option
-pgadebug <level>   set debug option
-pgaversion         Print current PGAPack version number, parallel or
                    sequential, and debug or optimized

Explicit Usage

This chapter discusses how the user may obtain greater control over the steps of the GA by not using the PGARun() command, but instead calling the data-structure-neutral functions directly. One ramification of this is that the PGARun() interface no longer masks some of the differences between parallel and sequential execution. The examples in this chapter are written for sequential execution only. Chapter Parallel Aspects shows how they may be executed in parallel.


To understand the calling sequences of the functions discussed in this chapter, one must know of the existence of certain data structures and the user interface for accessing them. It is not necessary to know how these data structures are implemented, since that is hidden by the user interface to PGAPack.

PGAPack maintains two populations: an old one and a new one. The size of each population is the value returned by PGAGetPopSize(). In addition, each population contains two temporary working locations. The string length is the value specified to PGACreate() and returned by PGAGetStringLength().

Formally, string \(p\) in population \(pop\) is referred to by the 2-tuple (p, pop) and the value of gene \(i\) in that string by the 3-tuple (i, p, pop). In PGAPack, pop must be one of the two symbolic constants PGA_OLDPOP or PGA_NEWPOP to refer to the old or new population, respectively. At the end of each GA iteration, the function PGAUpdateGeneration() makes sure these symbolic constants are remapped to the correct population. The string index p must be either an integer between 0 and \(P-1\) (or 1 and \(P\) in Fortran) or one of the symbolic constants PGA_TEMP1 or PGA_TEMP2, to reference one of the two temporary locations, respectively.

Simple Sequential Example

The example in Figure Simple Example of Explicit Usage is a complete PGAPack program that does not use PGARun(). It is an alternative way to write the main program for the Maxbit example of Section Maxbit Problem in C. We refer to it as a simple example because it uses PGARunMutationAndCrossover() to encapsulate the recombination step. The PGACreate() and PGASetUp() functions were discussed in the last chapter. PGASetUp() creates and randomly initializes the initial population. This population, referred to initially by the symbolic constant PGA_OLDPOP, is evaluated by the PGAEvaluate() function. The third argument to PGAEvaluate() is the name of the user’s evaluation function. The function prototype for evaluate must be as shown in Figure Simple Example of Explicit Usage and discussed earlier in Sections Required Functions and String Evaluation and Fitness. The PGAFitness() function maps the user’s evaluation function values into fitness values.

The while loop runs the genetic algorithm. PGADone() returns PGA_TRUE if any of the specified stopping criteria have been met, otherwise PGA_FALSE. PGASelect() performs selection on population PGA_OLDPOP. PGARunMutationAndCrossover() uses the selected strings to create the new population by applying the crossover and mutation operators. PGAEvaluate() and PGAFitness() evaluate and map to fitness values the newly created population. PGAUpdateGeneration() updates the GA iteration count and resets several important internal arrays (don’t forget to call it!). PGAPrintReport() writes out genetic algorithm statistics according to the report options specified. Note that the argument to PGAPrintReport() is the old population, since after PGAUpdateGeneration() is called, the newly created population is in PGA_OLDPOP. Finally, PGADestroy() releases any memory allocated by PGAPack when execution is complete.

The functions PGADone(), PGAUpdateGeneration(), and PGAEvaluate() take an MPI communicator (see Appendix Parallelism Background and Chapter Parallel Aspects) as an argument. For sequential execution the value NULL should be specified for this argument. A parallel, or sequential and parallel, version of this example is given in Section Explicit Use.

Simple Example of Explicit Usage
#include "pgapack.h"
double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    PGAContext *ctx;

    ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 100, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
    PGASetUp    (ctx);
    PGAEvaluate (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, evaluate, NULL);
    PGAFitness  (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);

    while (!PGADone(ctx, NULL)) {
        PGASelect                  (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
        PGARunMutationAndCrossover (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, PGA_NEWPOP);
        PGAEvaluate                (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP, evaluate, NULL);
        PGAFitness                 (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP);
        PGAUpdateGeneration        (ctx, NULL);
        PGAPrintReport             (ctx, stdout, PGA_OLDPOP);
    PGADestroy (ctx);
    return 0;

Complex Example

Example of Explicit Usage
#include "pgapack.h"
double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    PGAContext *ctx;
    int i, j, n, m1, m2, popsize, numreplace;
    double probcross;

    ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 100, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
    PGASetUp (ctx);
    probcross  = PGAGetCrossoverProb (ctx);
    popsize    = PGAGetPopSize (ctx);
    numreplace = PGAGetNumReplaceValue (ctx);
    PGAEvaluate (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, evaluate, NULL);
    PGAFitness (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP          );

    while (!PGADone (ctx, NULL)) {
        PGASelect  (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
        PGASortPop (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
        n = popsize - numreplace;
        for ( i=0; i < n; i++ ) {
            j = PGAGetSortedPopIndex (ctx, i);
            PGACopyIndividual (ctx, j, PGA_OLDPOP, i, PGA_NEWPOP);
        while (n < popsize) {
            m1 = PGASelectNextIndex (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
            m2 = PGASelectNextIndex (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
            if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, probcross)) {
                PGACrossover (ctx, m1, m2, PGA_OLDPOP, PGA_TEMP1, PGA_TEMP2, PGA_NEWPOP);
                PGAMutate (ctx, PGA_TEMP1, PGA_NEWPOP);
                PGAMutate (ctx, PGA_TEMP2, PGA_NEWPOP);
                PGACopyIndividual (ctx, PGA_TEMP1, PGA_NEWPOP, n, PGA_NEWPOP);
                PGACopyIndividual (ctx, PGA_TEMP2, PGA_NEWPOP, n+1, PGA_NEWPOP);
                n += 2;
            else {
                PGACopyIndividual (ctx, m1, PGA_OLDPOP, n,   PGA_NEWPOP);
                PGACopyIndividual (ctx, m2, PGA_OLDPOP, n+1, PGA_NEWPOP);
                n += 2;
        PGAEvaluate (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP, evaluate, NULL);
        PGAFitness (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP);
        PGAPrintReport (ctx, stdout, PGA_NEWPOP);
        PGAUpdateGeneration (ctx, NULL);
    PGADestroy (ctx);
    return 0;

The primary difference between the “complex” example in Figure Example of Explicit Usage and the “simple” example in Figure Simple Example of Explicit Usage is that the steps encapsulated by PGARunMutationAndCrossover() have been written out explicitly. The function PGASortPop() sorts a population according to the criteria specified by PGASetPopReplaceType() (Section Population Replacement). The sorted indices are accessed via PGAGetSortedPopIndex(). In the example, the five lines that follow PGASortPop() copy the strings that are not created by recombination from the old population to the new population.

The while loop that follows creates the remainder of the new population. PGASelectNextIndex() returns the indices of the strings selected by PGASelect(). PGARandomFlip() flips a coin biased by the crossover probability to determine whether the selected strings should undergo crossover and mutation or should be copied directly into the new population. PGACrossover uses the parent strings m1 and m2 from population PGA_OLDPOP to create two child strings in the temporary locations PGA_TEMP1 and PGA_TEMP2 in PGA_NEWPOP population.

PGAMutate() mutates the child strings and PGACopyIndividual(), then copies them into the new population. If the strings do not undergo crossover and mutation, they are copied into the new population unchanged. The rest of the steps are the same as those in Figure Simple Example of Explicit Usage, except that for illustrative purposes we call PGAPrintReport() before PGAUpdateGeneration(). In that case we use population PGA_NEWPOP as the population pointer.

Explicit PGAPack Functions

This section briefly discusses other functions not shown in the previous examples or discussed in Chapter Basic Usage. Additional information about these and other PGAPack functions is contained in Appendix Function Bindings (function bindings) and the ./examples directory.

PGARunMutationAndCrossover() and PGARunMutationOrCrossover() perform the recombination step. The former applies mutation to strings that undergo crossover. The latter applies only mutation to strings that did not undergo crossover. Note that this means that when PGARunMutationAndCrossover() is selected, strings that are not crossed over (because the random process did not select the individuals for crossover with the given crossover probability) will also not be mutated! If no crossover is wanted, PGARunMutationOnly() can be used for mutation only without crossover.

The restart operator described earlier in Section Restart can be invoked explicitly by calling PGARestart() with parameters (ctx, oldpop, newpop), where the best string from population oldpop is used to initialize population newpop.

The function PGADuplicate() with parameters (ctx, p, PGA_NEWPOP, PGA_NEWPOP) returns PGA_TRUE if string p in population PGA_NEWPOP is a duplicate of any of the strings in population PGA_NEWPOP which were inserted into the hash table using PGAHashIndividual(). Note that this function is defined only for population PGA_NEWPOP.

Calling PGAHashIndividual() with parameters (ctx, p, PGA_NEWPOP) hashes individual p in population PGA_NEWPOP for duplicate checking.

Function PGAChange() with parameters (ctx, p, PGA_OLDPOP) repeatedly applies the mutation operator to string p in population PGA_OLDPOP until at least one mutation has occurred.

All functions related to duplicate checking do nothing if duplicate checking has not been enabled with PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag(), the function PGAGetNoDuplicatesFlag() can be used for checking if duplicate checking is enabled.

In PGAPack three values are associated with each string: (1) the user’s evaluation function value, (2) a Boolean flag to indicate whether the evaluation function value is up to date with respect to the actual string, and (3) the fitness value. If PGARun() is not used, the user must manage these values explicitly.

Calling PGAEvaluate() with parameters (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP, evaluate, comm) will execute the user’s evaluation function, evaluate, on each string in population PGA_NEWPOP that has changed (for example, from crossover) since its last evaluation. PGAEvaluate() will set both the evaluation function value and associated Boolean flag automatically. The argument comm is an MPI communicator. Valid values are NULL for an explicitly sequential example, or any valid MPI communicator. Depending on the number of processes specified when the program was invoked, and the value of the comm argument, PGAEvaluate() may be run with one or more processes. See Chapter Parallel Aspects for further discussion.

PGAFitness() will calculate the population fitness values from the evaluation function values. It is an error to call PGAFitness() if all the evaluation function values are not up to date.

These same three values may be read also. PGAGetEvaluation() returns the evaluation function value. PGAGetEvaluationUpToDateFlag() returns PGA_TRUE or PGA_FALSE to indicate whether the evaluation is up to date with the actual string or not, respectively. If PGAPack was compiled for debugging, PGAGetEvaluation() will print a warning message if the evaluation is not up to date. PGAGetFitness() returns the fitness value.

At times, (e.g., applying a hill-climbing function) the user may need to explicitly set the evaluation function value and associated Boolean flag (fitness values can be calculated only by calling PGAFitness()). PGASetEvaluation() with parameters (ctx, p, PGA_OLDPOP, 123.4) will set the evaluation function value to 123.4 and the associated Boolean flag to PGA_TRUE. The Boolean flag may be set independently with PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag(). For example, PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag() with parameters (ctx, p, PGA_OLDPOP, PGA_FALSE) sets the status of the Boolean flag of string p in population PGA_OLDPOP to out of date.

PGAMean() with parameters (ctx, a, n) returns the mean of the n values in array a. PGAStddev() with parameters (ctx, a, n, mean) returns the standard deviation of the n values in array a whose mean is mean. PGARank() with parameters (ctx, p, order, n) returns an index that is the rank of string p as given by the sorted array order of length n.

PGAGetPrintFrequency() returns the frequency with which GA statistics are reported. PGAGetWorstIndex() with parameters (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP) returns the index of the string in population PGA_OLDPOP with the worst evaluation function value. PGAGetBestIndex() with parameters (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP) returns the index of the string in population PGA_OLDPOP with the best evaluation function value.

Custom Usage: Native Data Types

This chapter discusses how PGAPack may be extended by replacing some of the standard PGAPack functions with user-defined functions for use with one of PGAPack’s four native data types. This can be done from both C and Fortran.


Customizeable Functions: Native Data Types







Duplicate Checking




String Printing


Termination Criteria


End of generation


Genetic distance


Pre-Evaluate Hook


In PGAPack, high-level (data-structure-neutral) functions call data-structure-specific functions that correspond to the data type used. The implementation uses function pointers that, by default, are set to the correct values for the datatype used. The user may change these defaults and set the function pointers to execute their functions instead. The functions the user can substitute for are initialization, crossover, mutation, checking for duplicate strings, string printing, termination criteria, a generic function called at the end of each GA iteration, and another generic function called before evaluation but after mutation and crossover.

The function call PGASetUserFunction() with parameters (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_MUTATION, mymute) will cause PGAPack to execute the function mymute whenever the mutation operator is called. Table Customizeable Functions: Native Data Types is a list of functions that can be customized for use with a native datatype. The first column describes the functionality, and the second column the symbolic constant for use with PGASetUserFunction(). The calling sequence for these functions is fixed and must follow the function prototypes in Table Calling Sequences for Customizable Functions. The files ./examples/templates/uf_native.c and ./examples/templates/uf_native.f contain template routines for these functions. A specific example is given below.

Checking the termination criteria requires some discussion. The function PGADone() will either check to see if the standard stopping criteria (see Section Stopping Criteria) have been met, or call the user function specified by PGA_USERFUNCTION_STOPCOND. If you wish to have the user function check for the standard stopping criteria in addition to whatever else it does, it should call PGACheckStoppingConditions(). Do not call PGADone() as this will cause an infinite loop to occur. Note that in a parallel program PGACheckStoppingConditions() should only be called by the rank-0 process (see Chapter Parallel Aspects).

The end of generation function (which is null by default) may be used for gathering statistics about the GA, displaying custom output, or even call a hill-climber, etc. This function is called after all generational computation is complete, but before the population pointers (PGA_NEWPOP, PGA_OLDPOP) have been switched and the standard PGAPack output printed. Therefore, be sure to use PGA_NEWPOP as the population pointer. There is no mechanism for suppressing the standard PGAPack generational output.

The genetic distance function computes the genetic distance of two individuals. It is used, e.g., when restricted tournament selection or negative assortative mating is in use. In addition it is used when reporting of genetic distance is selected by calling PGASetPrintOptions() with PGA_REPORT_GENE_DISTANCE. There are implementations for the standard data types: For binary alleles it uses the hamming distance. For real- and integer valued genes it uses an allele-by-allele absolute value of the difference by default (also know as Manhattan distance), i.e.

\[\sum_{i=0}^{s-1}|a_{ij} - a_{ik}|\]

where \(s\) is the string length, \(a_{ij}\) and \(a_{ik}\) are the alleles to be compared. For character alleles it counts the number of differences. You can set the distance function for integer and real data types to an Euclidian distance by calling, e.g., for the real data type:

PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGARealEuclidianDistance);

or for the integer data type:

PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGAIntegerEuclidianDistance);

This will use the Euclidian distance:

\[\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{s-1}(a_{ij} - a_{ik})^2}\]

When using user-defined data types together with restricted tournament selection, an implementation of the distance function for the user-defined data type has to be provided.

The Pre-Evaluate Hook function can be used for performing actions that need to be done before evaluating the generated individuals after crossover and mutation. It can be used, e.g., for repairing genes after crossover and mutation before evaluating them. It can also be used in concert with the end of generation function to perform caching of evaluations: The end of generation function would cache genes and their evaluation while the pre evaluate hook would look up newly-generated individuals in the cache: If a newly-generated individual is found in the cache, an evaluation can be saved which can have a huge impact on the runtime if evaluation is costly. Note that the probability of cache hits may be higher for binary and integer alleles than for real alleles. Note that for non-parallel implementations, caching could also be implemented in the evaluate function but for parallel implementations this would not work because each parallel instance would use a separate cache. The pre evaluation user function is called only in the rank-0 instance for a parallel implementation.

Calling Sequences for Customizable Functions



(PGAContext*, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int, int, int, int, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int, int, double)



(PGAContext*, int, int, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int, int)



(PGAContext*, FILE *, int, int)









(PGAContext*, int, int, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int)

Example Problem: C

The example problem in Figure PGAPack C Example Using Custom Mutation Operator is to maximize \(\sum_{j=1}^{L} x_{j}\) with \(1 \leq x_j \leq L\), where \(L\) is the string length. The optimal solution to this problem, \(L^2\), is achieved by setting each \(x_j\) to \(L\). The files for this example, ./examples/maxint.c and ./examples/maxint.f, contain template routines for these functions.

The example shows the use of a custom mutation function with an integer data type. The function PGASetUserFunction() specifies that this function, MyMutation, will be called when the mutation operator is applied, rather than the default mutation operator. MyMutation generates a random integer on the interval \([1,L]\).

PGAPack C Example Using Custom Mutation Operator
#include <pgapack.h>

double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux);
int myMutation  (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double pm);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
     PGAContext *ctx;
     int i, maxiter;
     ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_INTEGER, 10, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
     PGASetUserFunction       (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_MUTATION, myMutation);
     PGASetIntegerInitPermute (ctx, 1, 10);
     PGASetUp                 (ctx);
     PGARun                   (ctx, evaluate);
     PGADestroy               (ctx);
     return 0;
int myMutation (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double pm)
    int stringlen, i, k, count = 0;
    stringlen = PGAGetStringLength (ctx);
    for (i = 0; i < stringlen; i++)
    if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, pm)) {
        k = PGARandomInterval (ctx, 1, stringlen);
        PGASetIntegerAllele (ctx, p, pop, i, k);
    return (double) count;
double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux)
     int stringlen, i, sum = 0;
     stringlen = PGAGetStringLength (ctx);
     for (i = 0; i < stringlen; i++)
         sum += PGAGetIntegerAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);
     return (double)sum;

Example Problem: Fortran

Figure PGAPack Fortran Example Using Custom Mutation Operator is the same example as in Figure PGAPack C Example Using Custom Mutation Operator written in Fortran.

PGAPack Fortran Example Using Custom Mutation Operator
      include 'pgapackf.h'
      include 'mpif.h'
      double precision evaluate
      integer          myMutation
      external         evaluate, myMutation
      integer ctx, i, maxiter, ierror
      call MPI_Init (ierror)
      call PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_MUTATION, & myMutation)
      call PGASetIntegerInitPermute(ctx, 1, 10);
      call PGASetUp                (ctx);
      call PGARun                  (ctx, evaluate);
      call PGADestroy              (ctx);
      call MPI_Finalize(ierror)

      integer function myMutation(ctx, p, pop, pm)
      include          'pgapackf.h'
      integer           ctx, p, pop
      double precision  pm
      integer           stringlen, i, k, count
      count = 0
      stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx)
      do i=0, stringlen
         if (PGARandomFlip(ctx, pm) .eq. PGA_TRUE) then
            k = PGARandomInterval(ctx, 1, stringlen)
            call PGASetIntegerAllele(ctx, p, pop, i, k)
            count = count + 1
      myMutation = count

      double precision function evaluate(ctx, p, pop)
      include      'pgapackf.h'
      integer ctx, p, pop
      integer       stringlen, i, sum
      sum = 0
      stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx)
      do i=0, stringlen
         sum = sum + PGAGetIntegerAllele(ctx, p, pop, i)
      evaluate = sum

Custom Usage: New Data Types

This chapter discusses how PGAPack may be extended by defining a new data type. Defining a new data type may be done only in C programs.


Functions Required for New Data Types

Memory allocation


Memory free


String packing






String printing


String copying


Duplicate checking




Serialization API



Free serialization




To create a new data type, you must (1) specify PGA_DATATYPE_USER for the datatype in the PGACreate() call and (2) for each entry in Table Functions Required for New Data Types, call PGASetUserFunction() to specify the function that will perform the given operation on the new data type. If the data type is PGA_DATATYPE_USER, the string length specified to PGACreate() can be whatever the user desires. It will be returned by PGAGetStringLength() but is not otherwise used in the data-structure-neutral functions of PGAPack.

When specifying a user function for string creation (with PGA_USERFUNCTION_CREATESTRING, by default the string is freed using the free function. If memory allocation uses different mechanisms, a user function for freeing a chromosome can be specified with PGA_USERFUNCTION_CHROM_FREE.

Instead of specifying a user function for building an MPI data type, you can instead specify user functions for a serialization API summarized in table Serialization API. The user function for serialization PGA_USERFUNCTION_SERIALIZE is used on the sending side. The function for deserialization PGA_USERFUNCTION_DESERIALIZE is used at the receiving side. With the serialization API it is possible to send/receive variable-length data types. The serialization must reserve memory for the serialized representation. If it uses memory allocation with malloc, the default is to call free when the serialized value is no longer needed. If a memory allocation system not compatible with free is used, the user function PGA_USERFUNCTION_SERIALIZE_FREE must be defined. When using the serialization API a user function PGA_USERFUNCTION_BUILDDATATYPE must not be defined.

The calling sequences for the functions in Table Functions Required for New Data Types are given in Table Calling Sequences for New Data Type Functions. Template routines for these functions are in the file ./examples/templates/uf_new.c.

The functions PGA_USERFUNCTION_DUPLICATE and PGA_USERFUNCTION_HASH for user defined data types are needed only when duplicate checking is enabled with PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag(). Note that for duplicate checking to work, usually both, the hashing and the duplicate function need to be defined. An example is given in examples/c/namefull.c for C and examples/fortran/namefull.f for Fortran. These define a hash function and a duplicate check (comparison) function that treat all non-matching characters alike. When implementing a hash function for user defined datatypes the function PGAUtilHash() in source/utility.c can be used.

Calling Sequences for New Data Type Functions



(PGAContext*, int, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int, int, const void **)



(PGAContext*, int, int, const void *, size_t)



(void *)



(PGAContext*, int, int, double)



(PGAContext*, int, int, int, int, int, int)



(PGAContext*, FILE *, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int, int, int, int)



(PGAContext*, int, int, int, int)

While PGAPack requires that the user supply all the functions in Table Functions Required for New Data Types, your program may not require the functionality of all of them. For example, the user really does not need to write a function to pack the strings for message-passing unless a parallel version of PGAPack is being used. In these cases, we suggest that the user supply a stub function; i.e., a function with the correct calling sequence but no functionality.

Example Problem

Main Program for Structure Data Type
#include <pgapack.h>

double       energy           (double *, int *);
double       Evaluate         (PGAContext *, int, int);
void         CreateString     (PGAContext *, int, int, int);
int          Mutation         (PGAContext *, int, int, double);
void         Crossover        (PGAContext *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
void         WriteString      (PGAContext *, FILE *, int, int);
void         CopyString       (PGAContext *, int, int, int, int);
int          DuplicateString  (PGAContext *, int, int, int, int);
MPI_Datatype BuildDT          (PGAContext *, int, int);

typedef struct {
    double t[6];          /* ligand translation and rotation */
    int    sc[40];        /* ligand sidechain rotations      */
} ligand;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    PGAContext *ctx;
    int maxiter;
    ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_USER, 46, PGA_MINIMIZE);
    PGASetRandomSeed (ctx, 1);
    PGASetMaxGAIterValue (ctx, 5000);
    PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_CREATESTRING,  CreateString);
    PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_MUTATION,      Mutation);
    PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_CROSSOVER,     Crossover);
    PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_PRINTSTRING,   WriteString);
    PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_COPYSTRING,    CopyString);
    PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_DUPLICATE,     DuplicateString);
    PGASetUp (ctx);
    PGARun (ctx, Evaluate);
    PGADestroy (ctx);
    return 0;

This example illustrates use of a user-defined structure as the new data type. The problem is one of molecular docking where one protein molecule (the ligand) is to be docked into a second, target protein molecule. Figure Main Program for Structure Data Type contains the function prototypes for each function that will operate on the new datatype, the definition of the user’s structure ligand, and the main program.

The first three doubles of the array t in structure ligand represent the translation of the ligand molecule in the \(x\)-, \(y\)-, and \(z\)-axes, respectively. The last three doubles in the array t represent the rotation of the ligand molecule about each of the axes. The ints in the sc array represent side chain rotations (which are discrete) of the ligand molecule.

Creation and Initialization Function for Structure Data Type
void CreateString (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int InitFlag) {
    int i;
    ligand *ligand_ptr;
    PGAIndividual *new;

    new = PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p, pop);
    if (!(new->chrom = malloc (sizeof (ligand)))) {
        fprintf (stderr, "No room for new->chrom");
        exit (1);
    ligand_ptr = (ligand *)new->chrom;
    if (InitFlag) {
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            ligand_ptr->t[i] = PGARandom01 (ctx, 0) * 20.0 - 10.0;
        for (i = 3; i < 6; i++)
            ligand_ptr->t[i] = PGARandom01 (ctx, 0) * 6.28 - 3.14;
        for (i = 0; i < 40; i++)
            ligand_ptr->sc[i] = PGARandomInterval (ctx, -20, 20);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            ligand_ptr->t[i] = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < 40; i++)
            ligand_ptr->sc[i] = 0;

Figure Creation and Initialization Function for Structure Data Type contains the function CreateString that allocates and initializes the ligand structure. At this level of usage it is no longer always possible to maintain the (p, pop) abstraction to specify an individual (a string and associated fields). CreateString works directly with the string pointer that (p, pop) is mapped to. If InitFlag is true, CreateString will initialize the fields; otherwise they are set to 0.

PGAGetIndividual() with parameters (ctx, p, pop) returns a pointer of type PGAIndividual to the individual (the string and associated fields) specified by (p, pop). PGAIndividual is a structure, one of the fields of which is chrom, a void pointer to the string itself. That pointer, new->chrom, is assigned the address of the memory allocated by the malloc function. As malloc returns a void pointer, no cast is necessary.

The value of InitFlag is passed by PGAPack to the user’s string creation routine. It specifies whether to randomly initialize the string or set it to zero. By default, PGA_OLDPOP (except for PGA_TEMP1 and PGA_TEMP1 which are set to zero) is randomly initialized, and PGA_NEWPOP is set to zero. This choice may be changed with the PGASetRandomInitFlag() function discussed in Section Initialization.)

Mutation for Structure Data Type
int Mutation (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double mr) {
    ligand *ligand_ptr;
    int i, count = 0;

    ligand_ptr = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p, pop)->chrom;
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, mr)) {
            if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, 0.5))
                ligand_ptr->t[i] += 0.1*ligand_ptr->t[i];
                ligand_ptr->t[i] -= 0.1*ligand_ptr->t[i];
    for (i = 0; i < 40; i++)
        if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, mr)) {
            if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, 0.5))
                ligand_ptr->sc[i] += 1;
                ligand_ptr->sc[i] -= 1;
    return (count);

Figure Mutation for Structure Data Type contains the mutation function Mutation for the ligand data type. Each of the 46 genes has a probability of mr of being changed. If a mutation occurs, Mutation adds or subtracts one tenth to the existing value of a double, and adds or subtracts one to an int.

Crossover for Structure Data Type
void Crossover
    (PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int p2, int pop1, int t1, int t2, int pop2)
    int i;
    ligand *parent1, *parent2, *child1, *child2;
    double pu;

    parent1 = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p1, pop1)->chrom;
    parent2 = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p2, pop1)->chrom;
    child1  = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, t1, pop2)->chrom;
    child2  = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, t2, pop2)->chrom;

    pu = PGAGetUniformCrossoverProb (ctx);

    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, pu)) {
                child1->t[i] = parent1->t[i];
                child2->t[i] = parent2->t[i];
            } else {
                child1->t[i] = parent2->t[i];
                child2->t[i] = parent1->t[i];
    for (i = 0; i < 40; i++)
            if (PGARandomFlip (ctx, pu)) {
                child1->sc[i] = parent1->sc[i];
                child2->sc[i] = parent2->sc[i];
            } else {
                child1->sc[i] = parent2->sc[i];
                child2->sc[i] = parent1->sc[i];

Figure Crossover for Structure Data Type contains the crossover function Crossover, which implements uniform crossover for the ligand data type. The lines

parent1 = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p1, pop1)->chrom;
parent2 = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p2, pop1)->chrom;
child1  = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, t1, pop2)->chrom;
child2  = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, t2, pop2)->chrom;

are worthy of mention. Each implements in one line what the two lines

new = PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p, pop);
string = (ligand *)new->chrom;

in Mutation for Structure Data Type did. Either style is acceptable. PGAGetIndividual() returns a pointer whose chrom field (a void pointer) is cast to the ligand data type.

Duplicate Testing for Structure Data Type
int DuplicateString (PGAContext *ctx, int p1, int pop1, int p2, int pop2)
    void *a, *b;

    a = PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p1, pop1)->chrom;
    b = PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p2, pop2)->chrom;
    return (!memcmp (a, b, sizeof (ligand)));
Hashing for Structure Data Type
PGAHash HashString (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop)
    void *lig = PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p, pop)->chrom;
    return PGAUtilHash (lig, sizeof (ligand), PGA_INITIAL_HASH);

Figure Duplicate Testing for Structure Data Type contains the code for DuplicateString, which checks for duplicate ligand structures. It uses the ANSI C memcmp function for this purpose. In figure Hashing for Structure Data Type the code for the hashing function is shown. It uses the utility function PGAUtilHash() for computing the hash over the user-defined data structure.

Evaluation Function for Structure Data Type
double Evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux)
    int i, j;
    double x[6];
    int sc[40];
    PGAIndividual *ind;
    ligand *lig;

    lig = (ligand *)PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p, pop)->chrom;
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        x[i] = lig->t[i];
    for (i = 0; i < 40; i++)
        sc[i] = lig->sc[i];
    return energy (x, sc);

Figure Evaluation Function for Structure Data Type contains the evaluation function for this example. It again uses PGAGetIndividual() to map (p, pop) into a pointer to the string of interest. For user data types, PGAPack does not provide a PGAGetUserAllele function, so access to the allele values is made directly through the pointer.

Message Packing Function for Structure Data Type
MPI_Datatype BuildDT (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop)
  int             idx = 0;
  int             counts [PGA_MPI_HEADER_ELEMENTS + 2];
  MPI_Aint        displs [PGA_MPI_HEADER_ELEMENTS + 2];
  MPI_Datatype    types  [PGA_MPI_HEADER_ELEMENTS + 2];
  MPI_Datatype    DT_PGAIndividual;
  PGAIndividual  *P;
  ligand         *S;

  P = PGAGetIndividual (ctx, p, pop);
  S = (ligand *)P->chrom;
  idx = PGABuildDatatypeHeader (ctx, p, pop, counts, displs, types);

  /*  Finish the MPI datatype.  Every user defined function needs these.
   *  The stuff internal to PGAPack is already handled by
   *  PGABuildDatatypeHeader above.

  MPI_Get_address (S->t, &displs [idx]);
  counts [idx] = 6;
  types  [idx] = MPI_DOUBLE;

  MPI_Get_address (S->sc, &displs [idx]);
  counts [idx] = 40;
  types  [idx] = MPI_INT;

  MPI_Type_struct (idx, counts, displs, types, &DT_PGAIndividual);
  MPI_Type_commit (&DT_PGAIndividual);
  return DT_PGAIndividual;

Figure Message Packing Function for Structure Data Type contains the function BuildDT that builds an MPI datatype for sending strings to other processors. Consult an MPI manual for further information.

Hill-Climbing and Hybridization

Hill-climbing heuristics attempt to improve a solution by moving to a better neighbor solution. Whenever the neighboring solution is better than the current solution, it replaces the current solution. Genetic algorithms and hill-climbing heuristics have complementary strong and weak points. GAs are good at finding promising areas of the search space, but not as good at fine-tuning within those areas. Hill-climbing heuristics, on the other hand, are good at fine-tuning, but lack a global perspective. Practice has shown that a hybrid algorithm that combines GAs with hill-climbing heuristics often results in an algorithm that can outperform either one individually.

There are two general schemes for creating hybrid algorithms. The simplest is to run the genetic algorithm until it terminates and then apply a hill-climbing heuristic to each (or just the best) string. The second approach is to integrate a hill-climbing heuristic with the genetic algorithm. Choices to be made in the second case include how often to apply the hill-climbing heuristic and how many strings in the population to apply it to.

PGAPack supports hybrid schemes in the following ways:

One way to run a hybrid GA and use PGARun() is to use the PGASetUserFunction() discussed in Chapter Custom Usage: Native Data Types to specify a user function to be called at the end of each GA iteration. A more flexible approach would be for the user to call the high-level PGAPack functions, and their hillclimber to explicitly specify the steps of the hybrid GA.

Figure Hill-Climbing Heuristic for Maxbit Example is a version of the Maxbit problem given in Section Maxbit Problem in C. It uses the hill-climbing function hillclimb, which is called after the recombination step. It randomly selects a gene to set to one. Note the PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag() call. It sets the flag that indicates the evaluation function is not current with the string (since the string was changed). It is critical that this flag be set when the user changes a string, since the value of this flag determines whether PGAEvaluate() will invoke the user’s function evaluation routine.

Hill-Climbing Heuristic for Maxbit Example
#include "pgapack.h"

double evaluate (PGAContext *, int, int, double *aux);
void hillclimb (PGAContext *, int);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
     PGAContext *ctx;

     ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 100, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
     PGASetUp (ctx);
     PGAEvaluate (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, evaluate, NULL);
     PGAFitness (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
     while (!PGADone (ctx, NULL)) {
         PGASelect                  (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
         PGARunMutationAndCrossover (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, PGA_NEWPOP);
         hillclimb                  (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP);
         PGAEvaluate                (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP, evaluate, NULL);
         PGAFitness                 (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP);
         PGAUpdateGeneration        (ctx, NULL);
         PGAPrintReport             (ctx, stdout, PGA_OLDPOP);
     PGADestroy (ctx);
     return 0;

void hillclimb (PGAContext *ctx, int pop)
     int i, p, popsize, stringlen;
     popsize   = PGAGetPopSize (ctx);
     stringlen = PGAGetStringLength (ctx);
     for (p=0; p<popsize; p++) {
         i = PGARandomInterval (ctx, 0, stringlen-1);
         PGASetBinaryAllele   (ctx, p, pop, i, 1);
         PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag   (ctx, p, pop, PGA_FALSE);

Parallel Aspects

This chapter assumes familiarity with the background material in Appendix Parallelism Background. It also assumes that a parallel version of PGAPack was built and that programs are linked with an MPI library.

PGAPack supports parallel and sequential implementations of the single population global model (GM). The parallel implementation uses a controller/responder algorithm in which one process, the controller, executes all steps of the genetic algorithm except the function evaluations. The function evaluations are executed by the responder processes 4.

Basic Usage

Both sequential and parallel versions of PGAPack may be run by using PGARun(). The choice of sequential or parallel execution depends on the number of processes specified when the program is started. If one process is specified, the sequential implementation of the GM is used (even in a parallel version of PGAPack). If two or more processes are specified, the parallel implementation of the GM is used. The examples in Chapter Examples can all be run in parallel by specifying more than one process at startup.

The specification of the number of processors is done at run time. The actual format of the specification depends on the MPI implementation and computer used (see Appendix Parallelism Background for some examples). PGARun() uses the default MPI communicator, MPI_COMM_WORLD. This specifies that all processes specified at startup participate in the computation: one as the controller process, the others as responder processes. A different communicator may be specified with PGASetCommunicator() with parameters (ctx, comm), where comm is an MPI communicator.

PGARun() is really a “wrapper” function that calls PGARunGM() with the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator. The user may call PGARunGM() directly, that is,

PGARunGM (ctx, evaluate, MPI_COMM_WORLD)

where evaluate is the name of the user’s evaluation function and the third argument is an MPI communicator. Note that the communicator specified by PGASetCommunicator() does not affect PGARunGM() since the communicator is specified as function argument.

Explicit Use

In general, explicit use of the parallel features is more complicated than in the case of sequential functions. This is because the user’s program must coordinate the execution threads of multiple processes. PGARunGM() encapsulates all that is necessary into one routine, and parts of its source code may serve as a useful starting point if one wishes to develop an explicitly parallel program. The parallel functions in PGAPack may be viewed as a hierarchy with PGARun() and PGARunGM() at the top of the hierarchy, PGAEvaluate() next, PGASendIndividual(), PGAReceiveIndividual(), and PGASendReceiveIndividual() next, and PGABuildDatatype() at the bottom of the hierarchy.

PGAGetRank() with parameters (ctx, comm) returns the rank of the process in communicator comm. If comm is NULL it returns 0. PGAGetNumProcs() with parameters (ctx, comm) returns the number of processes in communicator comm. If comm is NULL it returns 1.

The type of algorithm used to execute PGAEvaluate() will depend on the number of processes in the communicator comm. If it is NULL or contains one process, a sequential implementation will be used. If more than one process is specified it will execute a controller/responder evaluation of the strings in population pop that require evaluation by applying, f, the user’s evaluation function. PGAEvaluate should be called by all processes in communicator comm.

PGASendIndividual() with parameters (ctx, p, pop, dest, tag, comm) will send string p in population pop to process dest. The tag is used to identify the message, and comm is an MPI communicator. This function calls MPI_Send() to perform the actual message passing. In addition to string p itself, the evaluation function value, fitness function value, and evaluation status flag are also sent.

PGAReceiveIndividual() is the complementary function to PGASendIndividual(). For example, PGAReceiveIndividual() with parameters (ctx, p, pop, source, tag, comm, status) will store in location p in population pop the string and fields of the individual sent from process source with the MPI tag tag and MPI communicator comm. status is an MPI status vector.

PGASendReceiveIndividual() combines the functionality of PGASendIndividual() and PGAReceiveIndividual(). This may be useful in avoiding potential deadlock on some systems. For example

    (ctx, sp, spop, dest, stag, rp, rpop, source, rtag, comm, status);

Here, sp is the index of the string in population spop to send to process dest with tag stag. The string received from process source with tag rtag is stored in location rp in population rpop. comm and status are the same as defined earlier.

PGABuildDatatype() with parameters (ctx, p, pop) packs together the string and fields that PGASendIndividual(), PGAReceiveIndividual(), and PGASendReceiveIndividual() send and receive. The result is of type MPI_Datatype.


Figure Simple Parallel Example of Explicit Usage is a parallel version of the example in Figure Simple Example of Explicit Usage. Since we now have multiple processes executing the program at the same time, we must coordinate each ones execution. In the example, the controller process (the one with rank 0 as determined by PGAGetRank()) executes all functions, and the responder processes execute only those functions that take a communicator as an argument. Note that this example will execute correctly even if only one process is in the communicator.

Simple Parallel Example of Explicit Usage
#include "pgapack.h"
double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, double *aux);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    PGAContext *ctx;
    int rank;

    ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 100, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
    PGASetUp (ctx);
    rank = PGAGetRank (ctx, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    PGAEvaluate (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, evaluate, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (rank == 0)
        PGAFitness (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
    while (!PGADone (ctx, MPI_COMM_WORLD)) {
        if ( rank == 0 ) {
            PGASelect                  (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP);
            PGARunMutationAndCrossover (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, PGA_NEWPOP);
        PGAEvaluate (ctx, PGA_OLDPOP, evaluate, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if ( rank == 0 )
            PGAFitness                (ctx, PGA_NEWPOP);
        PGAUpdateGeneration           (ctx, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if ( rank == 0 )
            PGAPrintReport            (ctx, stdout, PGA_OLDPOP);
    PGADestroy (ctx);
    return 0;


The parallel implementation of the GM will produce the same result as the sequential implementation, usually faster, except if the random number generator is used inside function evaluations (like in examples examples/c/dejong and examples/fortran/dejong in function dejong4 which adds random gaussian noise). However, the parallel implementation varies with the number of processes. If two processes are used, both the controller process and the responder process will compute the function evaluations. If more than two processes are used, the controller is responsible for bookkeeping only, and the responders for executing the function evaluations. In general, the speedup obtained will vary with the amount of computation associated with a function evaluation and the computational overhead of distributing and collecting information to and from the responder processes.

The speedup that can be achieved with the controller/responder model is limited by the number of function evaluations that can be executed in parallel. This number depends on the population size and the number of new strings created each generation. For example, if the population size is 100 and 100 new strings are created each GA generation, then up to 100 processors can be put to effective use to run the responder processes. However, with the default rule of replacing only 10% of the population each GA generation, only 10 processors can be used effectively.

Fortran Interface

PGAPack is written entirely in ANSI C. A set of interface functions, also written in C, is designed to be called by Fortran programs and then call the “real” C routine. This mechanism provides most of PGAPack’s functionality to Fortran programs. The following list contains most major differences between C and Fortran. Additional, machine-specific idiosyncrasies are noted in Appendix Machine Idiosyncrasies.

  • The Makefiles for the Fortran examples (in ./examples/fortran and ./examples/mgh) may need to be changed if your Fortran compiler does not support the -I mechanism for specifying the include file search path. You will need to copy or set up a symbolic link to ./include/pgapackf.h from the directory you are compiling a Fortran program in if this is the case.

  • Since C pointers are stored in Fortran integers, we must make sure the integers are large enough to hold a C pointer. In all examples we currently declare the context variable as

    integer,parameter :: k18 = selected_int_kind(18)
    integer(kind=k18) ctx

    This requests an integer that can hold values from \(-10^{18}\) to \(10^{18}\). Since \(2^{63}\approx 9*10^{18}\) this should select a 64-bit integer which is guaranteed to be large enough for a 64-bit pointer. On unusual architectures this may not be enough to make sure that the integer can hold the context pointer. The same is true for requesting an MPI communicator with PGAGetCommunicator() and passing the result, e.g., to PGAGetRank(). This also needs a variable large enough to hold the communicator on some MPI implementations. Note that previous implementations used integer*8 which according to a stackoverflow article [STO10] is a common extension but is not and was never Fortran syntax. You may run into problems if your Fortran compiler does not support this construct (e.g. a compiler only supporting Fortran-77) in which case the non-standard integer*8 may help.

  • PGACreate takes only three arguments in Fortran (not argc or argv as in C).

  • The Fortran include file is pgapackf.h and should be included in any Fortran subroutine or function that calls a PGAPack function, to ensure correct typing and definition of functions and symbolic constants.

  • If a C function returns one of int, double, or pointer, the corresponding Fortran function returns an integer, double precision, or integer, respectively. If the C function is void it is implemented as a Fortran subroutine.

  • When supplying function arguments, a C int corresponds to a Fortran integer, and a C double corresponds to a Fortran double precision. For example, to set the crossover probability to 0.6, use

    call PGASetCrossoverProb (ctx, 0.6d0)


    double precision pc
    pc = 0.6
    call PGASetCrossoverProb (ctx, pc)
  • Gene indices are \([0,L-1]\) in C, and \([1,L]\) in Fortran, where \(L\) is the string length.

  • Population member indices are \([0,N-1]\) in C, and \([1,N]\) in Fortran, where \(N\) is the population size.

  • Fortran does not support command line arguments (Section Command-Line Arguments).

  • Fortran allows custom usage with native data types (Chapter Custom Usage: Native Data Types), but not with new data types (Chapter Custom Usage: New Data Types).

  • In the MPICH implementation of MPI, the Fortran and C versions of MPI_Init are different. If the main program is in C, then the C version of MPI_Init must be called. If the main program is in Fortran, the Fortran version of MPI_Init must be called. Therefore, Fortran users of PGAPack with MPICH must call MPI_Init themselves since PGACreate(), which calls MPI_Init if users haven’t called it themselves, is written in C. It is unclear if this is still the case today.

Debugging Tools

Debug Levels in PGAPack


Trace all debug prints


Trace high-level functions


Trace all function entries


Trace all function exits


Trace high-level parallel functions


Trace all parallel functions


Trace all send calls


Trace all receive calls


Trace Binary functions


Trace Integer functions


Trace Real functions


Trace Character functions


Trace population creation functions


Trace select functions


Trace mutation functions


Trace crossover functions


Trace function evaluation functions


Trace fitness calculation functions


Trace duplicate checking functions


Trace restart functions


Trace reporting functions


Trace stopping functions


Trace sorting functions


Trace random number functions


Trace system routines


Trace utility functions


Trace memory allocations


Trace variable print statements

PGAPack has a sophisticated built-in trace facility that is useful for debugging. When the facility is invoked, print statements to stdout allow the programmer to trace the sequence of functions PGAPack executes. Due to the negative impact on performance this facility is not available by default. Instead, you must explicitly enable tracing when configuring PGAPack with the -debug flag.

The trace facility uses the concept of a debug level. For example, executing the Maxbit example (Figure PGAPack C Program for the Maxbit Example) with a debug level of 12, maxbit -pgadbg 12, will print the output shown in Figure PGAPack Partial Trace Output for Maxbit Example. The “0:” is the process rank. This is followed by the name of a PGAPack function and the “action” that caused the print statement to execute. In this case, the action is entering the function. Note that the rank printed for a process is always its rank in the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator, even if another communicator was set.

PGAPack Partial Trace Output for Maxbit Example
  0: PGACreate                       : Entered
  0: PGASetRandomSeed                : Entered
  0: PGASetMaxGAIterValue            : Entered
  0: PGASetUp                        : Entered
  0: PGARun                          : Entered
  0: PGARunSeq                       : Entered
  0: PGAEvaluate                     : Entered
  0: PGAFitness                      : Entered
  0: PGAGetStringLength              : Entered

Tracing is enabled by specifying one or more debug levels to trace. A list of debug levels is given in Table Debug Levels in PGAPack. Not all debug level values are currently used. The values 1–10 are reserved for users as described below.

C programmers may set the debug level from the command line using either -pgadbg <debug_level> or -pgadebug <debug_level>. Several forms of the <debug_level> argument are allowed. -pgadbg 12 will trace entering all high-level functions as shown in Figure PGAPack Partial Trace Output for Maxbit Example. -pgadbg 12,13 or -pgadbg 12-13 will trace entering and exiting of all high-level functions. The command line option -pgahelp debug will list the debug level options and then exit.

Fortran (and C) programmers may access the trace facility via function calls. The function PGASetDebugLevel() may be called to set a debug level. For example,

call PGASetDebugLevel(ctx, 12)

would produce the same output shown in Figure PGAPack Partial Trace Output for Maxbit Example. PGAClearDebugLevel() with parameter 12 will clear prints associated with debug level 12. PGAPrintDebugOptions() will print the list of available debug options.

The function PGASetDebugLevelByName() will turn on debugging of the named function. For example, PGASetDebugLevelByName(ctx, "PGACrossover") will enable all the trace prints of PGACrossover(). PGAClearDebugLevelByName() will disable the tracing of the specified function.

Users can use the trace facility in their own functions (e.g., their evaluation function) in two ways. First, they can insert PGADebugPrint() function calls in their functions using one of the symbolic constants defined in the header file pgapack.h. These are documented in group Debugging Constants. Events for which debug output can be printed include entering a function, exiting a function, allocating memory, print a variable’s value, and sending or receiving a string, respectively.

For example,

PGADebugPrint (ctx, PGA_DEBUG_ENTERED, "MyFunc", "Entered", PGA_VOID, NULL)

will print the line:

0: MyFunc                          : Entered

when the debug level of 12 is specified.

PGADebugPrint (ctx, PGA_DEBUG_PRINTVAR, "MyFunc", "i = ", PGA_INT, (void *)&i)

will print the line:

0: MyFunc                          : i =  1

when the debug level of 82 is specified. Users can also use the reserved debug levels of 1–10 to customize the trace facilities for use in their own functions. For example

PGADebugPrint (ctx, 5, "MyFunc", "After call to MyCleanUp", PGA_VOID, NULL);

will print the line:

0: MyFunc                          : After call to MyCleanUp

when the debug level of five is specified.

Note that we use MPI_COMM_WORLD (1) for the random number seed and (2) for PGADebugPrint() calls.


PGADestroy() will also call MPI_finalize, if MPI was started by PGACreate().


Even though only ten bits are necessary to encode 564, the user may want to allow the GA any value between \([0,4095]\), hence the twelve bits.


Technically, this is known as a Hamming cliff.


In the special case of exactly two processes, the controller executes function evaluations as well.


More generally, these issues arise whenever the size of a Fortran integer is less than the size of a pointer.