Function PGABinaryCreateString

Function Documentation

void PGABinaryCreateString(PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop, int initflag)

Allocate a binary string for member p of population pop.


If initflag is PGA_TRUE, randomly initialize all alleles, otherwise clear all alleles. Applies to PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY strings.

Note that this function is set in PGASetUp() as the create string user function for the binary datatype by default.


Allocates and clears alleles for all strings in PGA_NEWPOP.

PGAContext *ctx;
int p;

for (p=PGAGetPopSize(ctx)-1; p>=0; p--) {
    PGABinaryCreateString (ctx, p, PGA_NEWPOP, PGA_FALSE);

  • ctx – context variable

  • p – string index

  • pop – symbolic constant of the population string p is in

  • initflag – a flag, if set, randomly initialize, else clear alleles


Member p in population pop is allocated and initialized.